Netanyahu: “Assault on the Capitol – Disgraceful”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today (Thursday) condemned the riots that took place last night on Capitol Hill in Washington, during which four people were killed. “For generations, American democracy has been a source of inspiration to the world and to Israel, American democracy has always been a source of inspiration for me,” he said during a joint statement with US Treasury Secretary Stephen Manuchin, who visited Israel. “Violent rioting is the complete opposite of the values ​​that Americans and Israelis sanctify.”

“The attack on the Capitol building in Washington was disgraceful and should be strongly condemned,” Netanyahu added. “I have no doubt that American democracy will prevail – as it always has.”

Defense Secretary Benny Gantz also referred to the riots in the U.S. capital, which led to a halt to the special congressional debate designed to confirm Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential election. “Last night’s events in the United States shock and hurt the hearts of everyone who believes in democracy and its institutions,” he said. “I want to strengthen our friend and our closest ally from here – the United States of America. Democracy is a supreme value, and American democracy is strong and powerful from all of this.”

“Unfortunately, in Israel, too, we are witnessing attempts to undermine the legitimacy of the decisions of law enforcement agencies, the judiciary, and efforts to attack our state institutions and undermine public trust in them,” Ganz added. “In order never to slip into extreme situations of non-decision in the people or judgments, every leader in Israel and in the world must declare in a clear voice: whatever the decisions are – we will always accept the people’s decisions, court rulings, and Knesset votes.”

Earlier this morning, Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi expressed shock at the Capitol mirrors and strongly condemned the riots: “Since its inception, the United States, our firm and great friend, has been the beacon of democracy and values ​​of freedom, justice and independence. In a firm way about the values ​​on which the United States was founded, which are important to us all. “

New Hope Chairman Gideon Saar wrote on Twitter: “It was sad to watch pictures from Washington last night. The order has been restored, and I am sure there will be an orderly transition of power in the United States, our greatest friend in the world. “Saar added that” the events serve as an important reminder of the dangers of polarization and extremism in society. We must never take democracy and its institutions for granted. “

Meanwhile, after a hiatus of several hours, Congress resumed the debate adjourned due to the riots in the Capitol building and finally confirmed Biden’s victory. Legislators in both houses of Congress – the Senate and the House of Representatives – rejected by a majority of appeals filed by Republican representatives on the results of electoral voting in some states. Biden, who won 306 electors compared to 232 for outgoing President Donald Trump, will take office in two weeks as the 46th president of the United States.

In response to the congressional decision, Trump issued an official statement stating: “Although I completely disagree with the election results, there will be an orderly transfer of power on January 20. I have always said we will continue our fight to ensure only legitimate votes are counted. This is the end of our first term. “It’s the most in presidential history, but it’s just the beginning of the struggle to make America great again.”
