Neil deGrasse Tyson blames Pink Floyd for Uncertainty over ‘Dark Side of the Moon’

The famous astronaut talks to spend decades explaining the science behind the 1973 record.

Neil deGrasse Tyson is perhaps the most famous astronaut in the world. Because of this, there is often an attempt to prove or disprove some of the most popular theories. The one asked about it is mostly Pink Floyd’s fault.

In 1973, Pink Floyd was released Dark side of the moon and a pop culture revolution was born. From the artistic work of the album to the theory that it connects perfectly with 1939 The Wizard of Oz, Dark side of the moon has been a major stable block since its first release. But Tyson has a grip on his scientifically flawed title. “There is no dark side to the moon,” Tyson explains Hollywood Reporter when he stopped by talking about Emmy nominations for his talk show StarTalk with Neil deGrasse Tyson. “There’s a side and it’s close,” he explains. “But both sides of the moon get sunlight throughout the month.”

“The fact that Pink Floyd had a record with that title means I had to spend decades to get rid of it. [that fact] as an apprentice, “he continues.
