Naama Kasri vs. Nicole Reidman: The Full Story

Did you think the heated debate of recent days is whether to get vaccinated or not? Well, think again. For several days now, the swamp has been noisy and tumultuous due to an argument that has developed to enormous proportions between Naama Kasri and Nicole Reidman, and not surprisingly, it is also related to the closure.

The debate began with a series of angry stories that Kasri posted on her Instagram page, in which she came out against the big funerals in which thousands of participants from the ultra-Orthodox public took part. “These funerals of tens of thousands of people, what will we close with you ?!”, she wrote, and hurried to clarify the difference between funerals and demonstrations in Jerusalem: “And do not write to me about Balfour, do not write to me about Balfour. “A person who wants to protest! To protest what is happening in the country. It has nothing to do with Bibi or Zibi … why do people have to bury their grandparents in a zoom and they will do such funerals ?! It’s awful!”

The stories resonated on the various Instagram pages of shows and entertainment sections and many celebrities commented, including Ron Shachar who reinforced Kasri’s remarks, and Tom Keshti who actually came out against them, but the one who took the whole reaction a few steps further was Nicole Reidman who responded in detail and nervously: Dear Naama, Take off the pink glasses you live in! Any gathering of any kind causes an increase in morbidity and casualties in human life. We all want to get back to routine and life, but not at the expense of human life! Before you go out to demonstrate or to an underground party at the neighbors, think it can End a funeral at the zoom of your relatives. “

Kasri, as usual, did not remain obligated and responded the next day in a series of stories in which she made it clear that she was in favor of stopping the crowds for everyone, adding for Nicole that if she did not like her glasses – she had more of all kinds, even with crystals.

And it does not end there. During the day, Kasri continued to send bites to Reidman, for example in another story she said: “Nicole, I have no problem with you cursing, I only have one thing for you – please do not sing, please.”

In another story she told her baby daughter who spent time with her at the clinic and played around a bit there: “Michaela no no no, you broke the clinic – now punishment, we’ll take you to see Nicole’s show.”

At this point Maya Busquila also intervened in her own story and came out against Caesari when she said: “Nicole Reidman, no matter if she’s my girlfriend or not, said that the corona does not separate funerals from Balfour – very true! Come on! A man is starting a career, why are you going to a personal place? “.

Perhaps things did penetrate the heart of the enthusiastic Caesari, as at the end of that day she sent another story in which she listened with excessive enthusiasm to Nicole’s songs and even hosted my friend Leah Griner, who entered the house to the tune of Reidman’s Chow Baby. So Chow?
Everyone and his punishment.  Nicole Reidman // Photo: Smirnov
