Monster Hunter Rise Out Demo is out today on version, and includes online co-op play

The moment fans are hunting monsters has been waiting here – demo for Capcom’s Monster Hunter Promotion it will be available later today.

This example of the upcoming Prohibition Switch also includes local and online co-op play – allowing you to join your friends. In total, there are four different types of questions. Starter question, intermediate question, basic training question and Wyvern equestrian training question – with all 14 types of weapons possible.

Here is a brief description of the beginner and intermediate questions, which are both co-op capable:

“For this demo, you get to explore the ruins of Shine. This is a great place to learn about Wirebug and the new endemic life that inspires stat in this game.”

“The starting question is about Great Izuchi, while the intermediate question you asked is Mizutsune.”

“you’ll be able to take Palamute and / or Palico with you, so you can experience riding a Canyne and get different types of support from your friends.”

Of course, to work with others you need to have access to a Nintendo Switch Online membership. Keep in mind, this demo will be available for a “limited time” until February 1st, so enjoy while you can.

The full version of Monster Hunter Rise will be launched on the Switch on March 26 this year.
