Monique Roffey’s The Mermaid of Black Conch wins Costa’s Book of the Year

Monique Roffey’s The Black Mermaid Conch has won the Costa book of the year.

“It’s a book that takes you to the farthest reaches of your imagination – we found it absolutely compelling. The Mermaid of Black Conch is an amazing book, beautifully written – full of mythical energy and unforgettable characters, featuring some terribly offensive women, ”historian Suzannah Lipscomb was quoted as saying say in a report in The Keeper. Lipscomb chaired the award.

Roffey’s work is a true imagination and righteousness telling the story of a woman who was confused as a mermaid, and her love for David, a fisherman, and his songs.

Costa Book Awards usually has five categories – First Novel, Novel, Biography, Poetry and Children’s Book. Anyone among them wins Costa Book of the year. In addition, each category is judged by a panel of three separate judges. This year’s Costa Book is selected by a panel of nine members; There are representatives from the judges of the previous panel. They are joined by other celebrities who have a penchant for reading.

“I really wanted this book to be seen and read, so this time last year we were all ready to go, then Covid-19 hit us all and the book fell in. the black hole and disappeared, swallowed up. And now this. It has been a roller-coaster. I’m 55 now, I’ve been writing for 20 years – there really isn’t much I could use that is enough to describe this great progress, “she said. say that the author was saying. She won £ 30,000 in prize money.
