The Central Election Commission is preparing vigorously for the fourth election campaign, which will culminate on Election Day on March 23. According to the committee’s director general, this is a very complex procedure in light of the corona crisis that needs to be prepared accordingly. She says the cost of the elections is more expensive and estimated at NIS 700 million, which includes staffing, additional polling stations, recruitment of masks, purchase of masks, voting materials for voters And more. The aforesaid election procedure will take place differently from the previous election campaign with a separation between the voters and members of the Election Committee at the ballot box and the election purity inspector will be placed at each ballot box, on which there will be a body camera to record exceptional events and vote count.
What election day will look like
As every year, the polling stations will open in all localities in Israel in schools and public institutions to which polling stations will be added for Corona patients, residents who are in isolation and an Egged bus system that will be used as polling stations in case of congestion. For corona patients and the isolated, the polling stations will open in the paint complexes and travel when the person who is in isolation / verified patient will arrive at the election committee’s transportation system that will take care of transporting the patient / person in isolation to the designated polling station. It should be noted that each locality will have at least one ballot box for patients and isolators. There is also a committee to open polling stations in the corona wards of the hospitals.
As part of the deployment at each polling station, the number of voters was reduced to no more than 650 people compared to 800 on weekdays. In each polling station there will be corona ushers who will be responsible for the social distance and in the facilities where it will be possible, entry and exit from the polling station will be from different areas in order to prevent overcrowding.
The normal voting procedure
Each person will arrive at the polling station to which he was invited when the members of the polling station sat with a partition between them and the voter and the ID card and envelope of the offer will be handed to him through the openings in the partitions. The voter will be required to remove the mask for a moment so that committee members can identify him.
Each voter will be required to disinfect his hands twice at the entrance to the voting hall and before inserting the note into an envelope behind the curtain.
pay attention!
The secretary of the polling committee may refuse the entry and voting of a citizen who is not wearing a mask (except in exceptional cases where there is a special permit from a doctor not to wear a mask).
Voting a sick or isolated person at a “regular” ballot box is against the law and endangers the other people at the ballot box as well as the members of the ballot committee..
Please note that in order to prevent a gathering, the number of voters at each ballot box has been reduced, so it is possible that the position of the ballot box where you voted in the past has changed. Your polling place appears in the voter notice you received at home.
If you did not receive the message, you can check the Election Committee’s website, or call the Ministry of the Interior by phone: 1-800-222-290. A human response is given Sunday-Thursday 08: 30-22: 00 Friday 08: 30-13: 30. The answer will be given in: Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, Amharic and English.
Also, the message can be answered 24 hours a day at: 050-8085500 or by fax: 1-800-222-291
Voting in Clapibus
The Central Election Commission has approved dozens of Egged buses as standard ballot boxes, in order to reduce the congestion that will be created at the regular polling stations.
What it means?
Polling stations were installed on the buses as required, which will be staffed on Election Day by members of the polling station committee, an observer and the Supervisor of Election Purity.
The buses will be positioned to reinforce polling stations at all 19 Election Commission regional committees.
In case of congestion, the bus will reach the area and serve as an additional ballot box.
The Boss ballot box is a stationary ballot box.
Voting procedure for verified isolates / patients
Verified patients and isolators will have separate bidding complexes from the regular polling stations, with polled patients’ polling stations will be in the “point and ride” complexes only, while the isolated polling stations will be partly in Clalit HMO branches and public buildings and partly in the “point and ride” complexes.
If there are no designated polling stations for the isolated voter in the area of the isolated voter’s ballot box, he must vote on the “point and go” ballots
Importantly, there will be two types of “point and go” ballots. One is for verified patients, and the other is for home isolates. A verified patient will not be able to vote in the “point and go” ballots intended for the isolated and vice versa.
A citizen who is verified as a Corona blue and wants to vote, will go to the “point and go” ballot box closest to his place of residence and will vote only there.
A verified patient is not allowed to go to the polls independently, and will therefore arrive by special transportation on behalf of the Central Election Commission. Eligibility for transportation is only for verified patients who appear on the Ministry of Health’s list of patients in the ten days before Election Day.
Voting hours for verified patients will begin at 8:00 a.m. and end at 7:00 p.m. On election day, a shuttle to the polls can be booked until 16:00 in the afternoon. The taxi will have a partition between the driver and the passenger. The transportation will be personal, however if it is necessary to transport several verified patients who are from the same household, they will be able to travel together.
HA verified person who knows that on election day he will be defined as a verified blue, and will want to vote, will be able to book the shuttle in the period of 10 days before election day.
To book a trip, click on the following link:, and fill in your details
If you encounter a problem when placing the order, you can contact the service center at: 0776017137. It is emphasized that the company’s service center will plan which dedicated ballot box the voter will travel to, all in order to reduce congestion.
The isolated voter will have to arrive in his private vehicle, when traveling alone, and / or with members of the same household, who are also required to be isolated. If he is unable to get to the polls, the Central Election Commission sets up a transportation system for the benefit of all those house insulators who do not have a private car.
If the voter arrives with another voter who is a family member, the attendant will be required to get out of the vehicle and wait during the voting process and vice versa. (Assuming the family member is also sick or isolated).
Leaving the house will be for voting purposes only, without any stopover.
A citizen who gets up on election day with corona symptoms, and is not isolated, will register as having corona symptoms in the Ministry of Health and will go to the polls to vote for the isolated.
A verified patient will vote only at the ballot box designated for verified patients. At the same time, an isolator will vote according to his health condition. The following is a flow chart, explaining the difference in voting location, between an isolated person with symptoms and an isolated person without symptoms:
Voting procedure:
“Point and go” cards: a verified patient / person in isolation who is able to get out of the shuttle taxi for the purpose of voting
The voter will arrive at the “Point and Drive” compound, park his car near the polling station at the designated location, and walk toward the polling station.
The voter will then perform the voting action as a ballot designated for the isolated:
The voter will be asked to disinfect his hands at the entrance to the polling station.
The voter will be required to sign a statement that he or she is in solitary confinement.
Upon entering the room, the voter will hand over his or her means of identification to the secretary of the polling station committee.
After handing over the identification means, the voter will take a step back, lower the mask to chin height – for identification, and immediately after the identification is confirmed, the mask will be returned.
As soon as he identifies, the voter will approach behind the curtain. Prior to voting, the voter will disinfect his hands a second time.
The voter will take the ballot with the nickname of the list he has chosen to put in the blue envelope (the ballot envelope), and after inserting the ballot paper into the blue envelope, will insert the blue envelope into an outer envelope, on which the ballot committee will write the voter’s personal details.
The envelope will be thrown into the ballot box by the voter.
At the end of the voting, the voter leaves the polling station towards his car or the shuttle taxi, and will avoid procrastinating in the compound.
Immediately after the vote, the voter will be returned to his home in the same taxi that brought him to the polls.
Color video information card and drive
“Point and Drive” Cards: A verified patient who is unable to get out of the shuttle for voting
The voter will remain in the taxi, and the polling secretary will reach him.
The voter will open a slot in the taxi window and pass the identification card to the polling secretary who will approach the taxi. The ballot paper secretary will then hand him the blue ballot envelope.
The voter will be required to sign a statement that he or she is in solitary confinement.
The ballot box with the ballot tray will be attached to the car so that the voter can choose the list he wants while in the taxi.
The voter will take the ballot with the nickname of the list he has chosen, and put it in the blue envelope (the ballot envelope), and after inserting the ballot paper into the blue envelope, the blue envelope will be inserted into an outer envelope on which the ballot committee will write the voter’s personal details.
The envelope will be thrown into the ballot box by the voter.
Immediately after the vote, the voter will be returned to his home in the same taxi that brought him to the polls.
“Point and go” cards for a person in isolation who can arrive in his private car:
The isolated voter will arrive at the “Point and Drive” compound, park his car near the polling station at the designated location, and walk toward the polling station.
The voter will then perform the voting operation in the same manner as in the ballots designated for insulators.
Okra and does not have a vehicle will have at its disposal the transportation system of the Election Commission as detailed above.
An informational video about arriving at the polls for unverified isolators
Voting procedure in the corona departments
Patients hospitalized in a Corona ward hospital will be able to exercise their democratic right to vote at the ballot box that will be placed in their inpatient ward.
The corona patient will identify himself to the polling station committee using an identity card, driver’s license or passport.
The ballot box is for patients in Corona wards who are not confined to their bed, and have the ability to access the voting stand that will be placed in the ward.
Please note – the ballot box in the Corona wards is not mobile, and it will not be possible to reach hospitalized people confined to beds.
Disease prevention:
All secretaries recruited to work in Corona wards in hospitals will be vaccinated or recovering.
One of the two secretaries of the pre-determined polling committee will enter the ward and the rest of the polling committee staff will be placed in the ward ward and watch the voting process via CCTV, using the existing audio system in each corona ward and used by the medical staff to communicate with patients.
The secretary who enters the ward will be fully protected by the hospital staff, in coordination with the Ministry of Health.
In the event that the voter needs an escort behind the curtain for the voting operation, he will be able to enlist the help of another patient who is in the ward, who is able to assist him in the voting process.
At the end of the voting, the secretary will throw in the trash all the remaining materials from the day of the vote.
the soliders of the israely army
Will be able to present at the base or at the civil ballots in their locality of residence.
Public Transport
From Monday 22.3 at 20:00 until the end of public transport activities on Tuesday 23.3 travel by train and public transport will be free on selected lines. Full details at the public transportation sites and at the hotline * 8787