Mexico recorded 24 reactions to the Pfizer vaccine against Covid-19

México, Covid-19, vacuna, Pfizer, reaccionesMexico, Dec. 25 (Prensa Latina) In the first hours of vaccination with the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, Mexico recorded 24 reactions that were normal to the drug, the Ministry of Health confirmed today.

Under Secretary of Prevention and Health Promotion Hugo López-Gatell reported that the symptoms are vagal reflexes (reduced respiratory activity), hypoglycemia, cooling, laryngeal spasm, myalgia, atralgia and fever.

However, he clarified that fever can be an immune response of the body itself and a reaction is expected as the immune response is suppressed.

At the same time, he explained that being without a fever does not mean a negative or inappropriate immune response and so they have been left unprotected, as only a few people have these symptoms.

He believed that some of these symptoms occurred because many people had been vaccinated without having had breakfast before, and he suggested from that experience that he ate before going to the vaccine center.

Mexico is among the first countries in the world in terms of infection and spread of the SARS-CoV2 coronavirus responsible for Covid-19 infection with 362 million 564 cases and 121 thousand 172 deaths

López-Gatell explained that in some people there were minor side effects, a reaction that occurred when 2,924 doses were administered in Mexico City, Querétaro and the State of Mexico.

ef / mem / lma / gdc
