Meeting of the first board of directors of the Bureau of Insurance Agents, headed by Yossi Engelman

Meeting of the first board of directors of the Bureau of Insurance Agents, headed by Yossi Engelman

In a letter to the bureau’s agents, Engelman wrote: “We have ended the era of firing inside the ADF and from now on our heavy artillery will be aimed at only one purpose: the future of the insurance agent.”

This morning, a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Bureau of Insurance Agents was held, the first meeting chaired by Yossi Engelman, Vice President. Engelman will be appointed acting chamber president next week at a national council meeting and will be acting president until the November 2021 election.

The meeting today dealt mainly with technical issues, including the granting of authorizations for the new leadership in the bureau’s financial areas, following the entry of insurance agent Moshe Lebar as chairman of the finance committee, a position not filled for about a month. The appointments of Yitzhak Zilberman and Moshe Lebar to directors in Lisov were also approved.
At the beginning of next week, the Executive Committee will hold another meeting at which new chairmen will be elected to the Elementar Committee following the resignation of Israel Gerty; To the Welfare Committee, following the resignation of Meir Rotberg and Lissov chairman Zvika Weinstein who also resigned. The candidate to replace Gertie is insurance agent Kobi Tzarfati and Weinstein is probably Yitzhak Zilberman. The appointments.

“I intend to bring the bureau back to sanity”

Yesterday, Engelman sent a personal letter to members of the Chamber of Insurance Agents, in which he wrote:

“My friends and fellow agents, in recent times we have all experienced difficult days, days of rift and turmoil, days of internal struggles and intrigue for the most part. Sometimes it seemed that on this literal battlefield the real goal of the Chamber of Insurance Agents was forgotten: to be a protective, guarding home for our future.
I thank you for the rare privilege that has fallen to me to lead an important and amazing public like you, even if it is for a limited period of time, until you my friends choose a new leader who will lead us to new districts.

In this interim period I intend to bring the bureau back to sanity, to engage in essence rather than ego wars. The first thing I will do tomorrow when I take over as acting president will be to convene the long-paralyzed board. Appoint functionaries in order to return the bureau to regular and optimal functioning. In the period leading up to the election we will be thinking and formulating options for action strategies on how to go on the offensive again, and this time to attack the real targets that cloud our future. “We have ended the era of firing inside the ADF and from now on our heavy artillery will be aimed at only one purpose: the future of the insurance agent,” Engelman concluded his appeal to the agents.

Outgoing President Lior Rosenfeld wrote to agents:

Dear Friends

Three weeks ago I announced my desire to seek your approval at the General Assembly to advance the elections to all the bureau’s institutions after spending all summers continuing to run the bureau with an opposition whose goal is to collapse the bureau, for that purpose funds and unlimited funds were raised here and I was elected by you To lead moves that support image, status and livelihood for us, for our employees and our family members and not to engage most of the day in lawsuits, complaints, and idle petitions whose entire purpose is to tire me and members of the leadership, the continuation of our tenure.
Since I announced, great efforts have been made by rescuing the Bureau in attempts at dialogue and finding a solution in the face of those same factors.
But these factors did not come with clean hands and stuck to their path and purpose which was the destruction of the bureau.

As I have reported in recent weeks, three members of the leadership have also decided that it is enough for them to deal with those opposition parties who are only interfering and destroying, and have chosen to resign from the bureau’s board of directors. Such a reality made the activity on the board of directors of the bureau impossible and although legally I could continue to serve in my position, I had no intention of continuing to hold the foundations of the altar.

I will not sell my soul, my principles, my values, my dignity, my freedom of action, my mental health and my good name in exchange for a position or title when around me sit factors that launch to me morning news arrows of petitions, complaints, investigations without any real reason without All truth behind them and not the good of the bureau before their eyes, but only their personal good.

Compared to those opposition activists, most of whom were elected to the bureau’s branches by a few dozen individual votes and appointed to political positions in the council, I was elected by you to all positions in the bureau in democratic elections and by majority vote three and a half years ago to head the bureau. The good of the insurance agents in Israel !!! My door was open to you 24/7 and my ears were alert to every request and message of yours.

There is no agent from Kiryat Shmona to Eilat who has not received an answer and it is rare that no solution is found to your requests. I was your mouth in front of the state authorities, the legislature, the courts, the media and the public. There was no barrier that prevented me from getting anywhere without distance considerations and there was not an hour of the day that prevented me from working for you.
And during all that time, some activists have not stopped interfering and sabotaging activities that have been done for the livelihood and food of us all. As stated, all of these did not defeat me, but since some of my friends could no longer bear the disturbances and bruises, and I have no majority left on the board to act on your behalf, a decision was made.
Not only will I not lend a hand in destroying the bureau but I will do everything to save it.

My friends and agents, with only the good of the bureau before me, I proudly look back on three and a half years of success and announce my resignation as President of the Bureau and Chairman of the Board. I leave behind a strong, influential bureau with positive media and public visibility as well as the insurance agent profession .
I leave a professional, loyal and hardworking staff and over 200 activists and volunteers like me who have come to do only good. Thank you to everyone who has stood by my side for the past three and a half years and even before me, loyal friends for a path full of values ​​and humanity.
“They came out of you and destroyed you.”
My fellow agents, there will soon be elections for the Bureau, both for the office of President and for all the officers and institutions of the Bureau. When you stand in front of the ballot box in a few months, remember who to vote for and even more remember who not! The Bureau of Insurance Agents has in recent years become a bureau that eats its activists and leaders and this must end !!
The Bureau of Insurance Agents must put an end to its business, to the people of yesterday, and to select people who are truly motivated, clean-handed, innovative, fluent, and screenwriters for all leadership roles. In the coming days a new statute will be brought for the approval of the members of the chamber, these statutes and the proposed changes in it will deprive the next president and I as a member of the chamber intend to oppose him, do not let handcuff the next president give him freedom to lead the chamber to success.

Dear friends, I assume that we will say goodbye for a short break and after a period of rest I will return to serve the public in one way or another and we will surely meet at one of the intersections. It is said that a mountain and a mountain will never meet but man and man certainly do. I finish my job a little ahead of time, but with a great sense of satisfaction, great pride and uprightness. We have done something here together in the last three and a half years, you and I. I have no doubt that the future of the profession subject to the changes of the period is rosy, we have always been here and will remain so in the future.
Wishing friends
And in great thanksgiving
Lior Rosenfeld – President of the Chamber of Insurance Agents in Israel
