Maskless protesters shout ‘Covid Is A Hoax’ at London Hospital

A group of masked protesters gathered outside a London hospital, singing ‘Covid and his hoax’ as the New Year came.

The large group of Covid deniers went against Dr Matthew Lee on his return home after completing a late A&E transfer at St Thomas’ Hospital.

Shocked by what he saw, the young medic posted a video of the scene to his Twitter account and called for people to see sense.

He said: “I worked out the A&E move late on New Year’s Eve and it came out so far.

“Hundreds of people get drunk, in large groups shouting ‘Covid is a lump’, literally outside the building where hundreds are sick and dying.

“Why don’t people still understand how serious this pandemic is?”

Dr Lee went on to say that although he was ‘disappointed’ with what he saw, he was ‘substantially broken’.

He said: “I want people to see the extent of Covid-19 and hospital deaths, and the sacrifices that healthcare workers make.

Credit: Twitter
Credit: Twitter

“This week alone has been so sad. Their ignorance hurts others.

“I really wish people would keep themselves safe.”

Since seeing the films, others have shared their sadness and anger at the actions of a small group in society.

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Commenting on the post, one user said: “What ‘s RURAL with people?!? I’m at home, getting through Covid rn, hoping I’m turning a corner. My friend’ s sister has returned to hospital and is very ill. The father of other friends has died. JFC THESE PEOPLE ARE MAKING ME ANGRY AND UPSET. “

Another wrote: “I am getting past Covid-Pneumonia, he was in the hospital in Halifax, where it is a hot spot in W.York, which is now his home, still having an injection IV every day.I was on a respiratory ward I met 6 who died, despite this, people I know claim it’s flu.The herd’s anxiety is unbelievable. “

Although a third said: “It is very sad to see a herd of subcultural conspiracy theorists gathering outside St Thomas’ Hospital shouting ‘Covid is a Hoax’. The NHS does an amazing job and at times in very stressful situations.

Credit: Twitter
Credit: Twitter

This comes when the UK recorded a further 53,285 cases of coronavirus in the 24 hours to 1 January, with a further 613 deaths.

London is in Tier 4, which has the most stringent restrictions, due to a sharp rise in cases of coronavirus over the past few weeks.

In the run up to New Year’s Eve, health care workers were urging people to stay at home and follow the rules to try to reduce and stop the spread of the virus ospadalan becoming horrible.

Metropolitan Police also urged people to stay at home, with Commander Paul Brogden said: “We are still tackling the harsh reality of fighting a deadly virus.

“The public is well aware that level 4 restrictions have been put in place to reduce the spread of the virus and protect the NHS. I would urge everyone to exercise caution, listen to government advice and celebrate the new year in the comfort of their own homes, not the homes of family and friends. “
