Macron urges Iran to make ‘clear moves’ on nuclear studies | Nuclear Power News

The French president is calling on Iran’s representative, Hassan Rouhani, for full cooperation with Iran with the DA watchdog on nuclear investigations.

French President Emmanuel Macron has called on his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani to return “clear moves” and Tehran’s terms to the terms of its nuclear deal with world powers, according to his office.

Macron made a phone call to Rouhani on Tuesday, days after Iran’s foreign ministry argued to hold an informal meeting with the United States and European countries to discuss ways to revive the 2015 unification, calling on Washington to lift all unilateral sanctions.

A statement from Macron’s office said the French leader had asked Rouhani to fully cooperate with Iran with the UN nuclear watchdog on investigations and expressed his “deepest concern” about Iran’s breaches of the treaty. was signed in the Austrian capital.

“After reminding me [Rouhani] of France’s efforts with its partners in recent years to reach a negotiated solution, the [French] The head of state stressed the importance of Iran’s immediate and clear moves so that talks can resume with all parties to the Vienna treaty, “the statement said.

As a result of the treaty – officially known as the Joint Integrated Action Plan (JCPOA) – Iran suspended its nuclear program in exchange for international sanctions. But he has been hanging on to a thread since former President Donald Trump pulled out of the United States in 2018 and reversed punitive sanctions as part of a “pressure off” campaign. greater ”against Tehran.

Since then, Iran has opposed its nuclear work against the JCPOA.

The Biden administration has said it wants to restore the agreement, but is urging Iran to return to all the promises it began to reinstate in response to Trump’s move before sanctions can be lifted.

Iran, however, has said that the only way forward for the U.S. is to repeal its “illegal and illegal” sanctions – a situation that Rouhani reiterated in the call by Macron, according to several media reports from Iran.

Last month, Iran informed the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of its decision to suspend a number of “transparency measures” that it was voluntarily pursuing.

DA watchdog director Rafael Grossi visited Tehran and reached a temporary contract on matters including an ongoing IAEA review of its atomic program for up to three months.

Iran’s Atomic Energy Agency said the so-called additional protocol, which allowed the IAEA to conduct snap inspections at unpublished locations as part of the 2015 nuclear deal, has been completely canceled.

No access will be granted to the nuclear watchdog beyond the protections of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, the agency stressed.
