League of Legends LEC Spring Split 2021 W1D2 result sees Fnatic and Astralis sitting at the bottom of the cliff

Week 1 Day 2 of the LEC Spring Split 2021 of the League of Legends concluded by inspiring fans about some of the events of the tournament.

As expected, G2 Esports shares the first position with Rogue at the top of the LEC rankings. Both teams have a comfortable 2-0 score.

Team Vitality’s modern roster performed admirably, with Fnatic and Astralis (formerly Origen) putting fans at the bottom with a 0-2 score.

Here are some of the highlights from the League of Legends LEC Spring Split 2021 W1D2 with day 3 starting in a few hours.

EXCEL Esports upset Schalke No Man in LEC Spring Split 2021 W1D2

Week 1 Day 2 of the LEC Spring Split was not a good Schalke day. After a strong start to the game against EXCEL, the team eventually failed to deliver and lost to EXCEL.

Even Schalke’s “Ocean-Soul” was under their belt and four items on Mrs. Fortune and Viktor. However, both of their catches were caught out near the baron pit at the 40-minute mark, thus allowing EXCEL to score the goal and push for the win.

Vigor ensures they get the first win of LEC Spring Split 2021

The new Energy Team roster is filled with rookies. But in Week 1 Day 2 of LEC Spring Split, they got their first win of the competitive season against Misfits Gaming.

The rookies supported Ashe’s special build that turned around increasing capacity rush and increasing her crowd control capabilities.

Their central surgeon put Aljoša “Milica” Kovandžić to a clinic with his Lucian selection, helping the side to a very comfortable win.

MAD Lions knock down Astralis

MAD Lions kicked back on the second day of week 1 of the LEC Spring Split. The team was able to turn Astralis out and beat them in individual mechanics and team fights.

MAD Lions were so far ahead in the game that they collected 10k gold lead within 30 minutes.

G2 Esports brings out the top Ivern series

After EXCEL Esports beat the top selection in the Ivern series in Week 1 Day 1 of LEC Spring Split, it was time for G2 Esports to test their moves.

Unlike EXCEL, G2 made the selection work well. With all the convenience on their side, the EU kings had a smooth mid-to-end game even after a rocky start.

G2 Esports sits on top of the LEC stands.

Fnatic doesn’t look good.

Fnatic is one of the most complete aspects of the LEC. It has long been regarded as one of the best teams in the EU.

So it was the heavyweights that were going up against Rogue. However, Fnatic’s pre-offensive style of play worked against them, and Rogue took advantage of every opportunity.

Emil “Larssen” Larsson’s Twisted Fate was gigantic in the middle of the series. He was miles ahead of his opponents with the mid-to-end game mark.

Fnatic must reduce their errors if they are to be relevant as bad contenders for the LEC Spring Split crown.

Published January 24, 2021, 14:51 IST
