Laugh or cry? The tourists did not wear a mask, and were forced to do 50 push-ups on the street

The island of Bali police in Indonesia has found a unique way to enforce the law: punishments in the form of push-ups for those caught without a mask or with a partial mask, and not willing to pay a fine.

Local authorities imposed this penalty after many tourists refused to pay the fine in such cases, which stands at 100,000 Indonesian rupees – equivalent to only seven dollars.

Recently, a video was uploaded to social media showing dozens of tourists caught in public space without a mask – kneeling on the road on the island, and forced to perform many push-ups, or more precisely: 50 push-ups for those who had no mask at all, and 15 push-ups for those whose mask only covered Are you here.

According to Gusty Agong Suriangra – a police officer from Bali, 90 percent of the people caught without masks at all or with partial masks on their faces are tourists. “They always claim they don’t know the law, but it doesn’t make sense because that law has been practiced in every country since the outbreak of the corona. Then they claim they forgot to put it on or the mask is damaged and wet.

Indonesia is one of the countries where the corona outbreak has hit hard: 27,203 deaths have been reported so far from the virus, and infection rates stand at 951,651 people.

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