Last second: Her cremation ceremony was stopped when it was discovered that the woman was still alive

Seconds before the cremation ceremony began, at the private hospital in Resistance, Argentina, the daughter of the “deceased” noticed that her mother was still alive. The 89-year-old mother, whose name was not released, was hospitalized after complaining of chest pain last Saturday. The next day, doctors gave her 54-year-old daughter the certificate of her mother’s death, stating that she had died of cardiac arrest.

As the funeral staff prepared to move the elderly woman through the crematorium, her daughter noticed movements her mother was making and immediately erupted and managed to stop the cremation ceremony – while she was still alive. The local police said: “The daughter went to the hospital at 08:45 in the morning, where she met with a doctor who told her about her mother’s death, after suffering from heart failure and shortness of breath for which she was sent to the crematorium.”

According to the news site Info Veloz, during the funeral the daughter started screaming when she noticed her mother’s movements and caused the ceremony to stop. The daughter then sent a voice message to one of her relatives in which she said: “I just wanted to let you know that mother is still alive. We were in the fire room and saw her with vital signs, now we are going to the hospital.” Also, the patient was returned to the clinic where she was treated and these days an in-depth investigation has been opened around the medical malpractice, which could have ended in execution.
