Lapid in a special interview with the Jerusalem Post: There is a future ready to lead the country

Opposition leader MK Yair Lapid He said in an interview with Jerusalem Post editor Yaakov Katz, sponsored by the International Salon in Tel Aviv, that he was “ready to be the prime minister of Israel” after the election. This is the first time Torch has confirmed things in his voice.

While the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, Referred to Lapid as his rival in the current election race, Lapid refrained from providing an answer to the question – whether he will run for prime minister.

“You will get Lapid as prime minister.” Photo: Likud

“It’s time for a change in Israel,” Lapid said. “I am ready, the party is ready. We have the right plans, the capabilities and the experience. I have served in the positions that prepared me for this and if I have the opportunity – I will be more than happy to serve my country.”

Lapid said that together with his party, they can take the reins in the election. “Netanyahu is trying to get me into a boxing match that deals with the question of who will be the prime minister,” he said. “He does this because he wants to make sure that in Israel they do not understand the really important problem, which government we will have. The only government that can offer us is with Litzman and Ben Gvir, homophobes and racists. He does not admit it and I am not willing to give it to him.”

Chairman has a future added and visited the chairman right Naftali Bennett And Chairman of New Hope, Gideon Saar, For openly fighting for the job during the epidemic. “I don’t think there should be any personal ambitions, but it’s disgusting to sit in TV studios and describe your amazing abilities to be prime minister, while people are left jobless and dying. You have to take advantage of the moment.”

Yair Lapid, Naftali Bennett (Photo: Miriam Elster, Flash 90)Yair Lapid, Naftali Bennett (Photo: Miriam Elster, Flash 90)

On the issue of the Palestinians, he said: “We are interested in recognizing a Palestinian state, but not giving them everything they want.” He said Palestinian refugees would not have the right to return, “Israel should remain the strongest state in the Middle East and the Palestinian state should be demilitarized.”

As for Iran, Lapid has argued that he opposes the nuclear deal, although Netanyahu has repeatedly stressed that Lapid has expressed support for him. “He’s lying and he knows it, we worked on it together,” he said. “This lie undermines Israel’s security“.

He added in this regard that if he chooses, he will negotiate with US President Joe Biden regarding Iran. He even criticized Netanyahu’s speech to Congress on the nuclear program, calling it a “huge and irresponsible mistake.” “We were not at the table at the time of the decision-making because they were angry. We have angry Democrats with long-term memory,” he said.

As for matters of religion and state, Lapid made it clear that he is in favor of freedom of religion and civil marriage. He even joked about his move from journalism to politics about a decade ago, saying, “I earn about a quarter of what I earned in the past, and work at least three times as hard, but at least everyone hates me.”
