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It is expected to start selling its products in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland in 2021 after signing a distribution agreement with DanCann for a period of five years. The agreement is conditional on receiving an export permit from Israel, as well as import permits from the above-mentioned countries. About 27 million people live in the four countries included in the agreement. No amounts were reported.
It has not yet been agreed which of Knashour’s products will be distributed and how they will be branded. According to data presented by Knashur, in Denmark alone the medical cannabis market is rolling in 14 million euros, and is still in its infancy. As of the second quarter of this year, the country has about 5,800 patients, who have 27,000 prescriptions for medical cannabis.
Knashor is engaged in the cultivation, cultivation, processing, distribution and R&D of medical cannabis products, and the Danish DanCann is licensed and distributes research, development, cultivation, production and marketing in the Scandinavian countries of cannabinoid-based products for the treatment of various medical indications for various diseases.
“We are pleased with the distribution agreement signed with DanCann Pharma, a leading player in the Scandinavian cannabis market,” he said. Ran Amir, CEO of Kanashur. “This is our second distribution agreement in Europe, and we believe that the collaboration between us will benefit both companies and patients in Scandinavia, and accordingly we expect to bring our products to market in 2021.”
DanCann Pharma CEO, Jaffa Rasmussen: “We are very pleased with the start of a long-term commercial partnership with Knashur. Knashur is a medical company with a significant presence in Israel. This partnership is further proof of Dancann Pharma’s platform and product portfolio, and confirms the fact that we are true to our values in terms of quality and innovation. The agreement is in accordance with our strategy to strengthen the decentralization of our operations and expand the product backlog. If approved, these products will provide patients with additional treatment options and we look forward to working with Knashur and bringing these products to market. ”
Kanashur was established in 2016 and its products are marketed through about 100 pharmacies and licensed distributors. Last week, Knashur announced that it was exporting medical cannabis oils (tinctures) to France for the first time, after receiving approval from the Ministry of Health, as part of a bid to participate in a pilot to regulate the medical cannabis sector in France. From last June.
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Who the hell cares about Scandinavia why we do not legalize (LT)
16/12/2020 17:00
0 -
Good company in agreements
Age 1
15/12/2020 11:50
0Barely familiar