Kendall Jenner accused of clicking photos, setting ‘unreasonable standards of beauty’

Kendall Jenner is one of the most popular models in the world. Her social media hands are full of photos from her many photoshoots, which often appear in flames showcasing her modeling skills and fashionable outfits. She recently submitted a few photos and video from her photoshoot photo, which has led many netizens to be skeptical about the originality of these photos. They’ve been sharing messages on social media about how these photos appear to be photoshopped, and the model doesn’t seem to be like that in real life.

Kendall Jenner is accused of taking photographs

While most of her fans have praised the photos from her photoshoot, many people think they have seen something about the photos that appear to be taking photos. . A viral video was posted on social media highlighting some “glitches” in the curtain that can be seen behind it. While others said that although Kendall looks in extreme shape in the pictures, she does not look like that in real life. They also said that the pictures were edited to make the “legs longer” and “waist smaller”.

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These claims led to a great deal of debate about the impractical body expectations set by celebrities like her. Many people have been seen commenting on how other women should not compare their body to Jenner, as she has professional experts like designers, nutritionists, personal trainers, make up artists and some another to help her watch what she shows on camera. Some even criticized Kendall for giving false assumptions about teenage girls and that no one is naturally raised as she appears in those pictures.

  • Image courtesy: Kendall Jenner ‘s Instagram Comments on Instagram

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On the other hand, many people came out in support of Jenner as well, saying that criticizing her toned body shakes the body. They further supported Kendall for putting in the hard work that has led to the creation of her toned body. They say her body is natural and “truthful” and that Kendall Jenner should be shown body support and appearance.

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