Kanashur and Kanareba: An agreement of 12 m NIS according to estimates – the capital market

Ran Amir, CEO

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Signed a strategic agreement with Kanareva. The latter will sell inflorescences amounting to 1,500 kg to Kanashur, which will provide it with inflorescence packaging services for a minimum amount of NIS 1.2 million. In addition to the amount for the packaging services, this is an amount of NIS 12 million per agreement, and the parties will consider long-term cooperation.

The medical cannabis inflorescences will be sold by Canerba over a period of a year and a half, and these will be grown in Indoor conditions, in accordance with the GAP-IMC standard.

Knashur Therapeutics was established in 2016 and specializes in breeding and growing indoor conditions in a European method, as well as processing, manufacturing, packaging medical cannabis products, distribution and R&D. The company markets and sells its products through about 100 licensed pharmacies and distributors. Pharmaceutical cannabis-based pharmaceuticals – Yesterday it announced an exclusive license agreement with the Swedish company Lipidor for the use of its patented technology to develop a cannabis-based preparation for the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis.

“As part of the company’s development, in Israel and around the world, we look forward to continued successful cooperation with Knashur,” he said Tal Frank, CEO of Canerba. “During the year we will launch our premium indoor brand, which will be packaged at Knashour’s production facility. In addition, we will provide raw inflorescences of varieties that will be provided under the agreement.”

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