Kamhada has signed two new agreements for the distribution of three biosimilar products in Israel

• The maximum revenue potential of the three products in the Israeli market is estimated in the range of $ 5 million to $ 7 million per year

• This revenue will be added to potential sales of between $ 20 million and $ 30 million per year expected from the previously announced agreement to distribute Elbotek’s biosimilar products

KMDA Ltd. (NASDAQ and TASE: KMDA), A biopharmaceutical company specializing in plasma-based products, reports today that it has signed agreements with two international pharmaceutical companies for the distribution of three biosimilar products in Israel. Subject to the approval of the products by the European Health Authority (EMA) and then by the Israeli Ministry of Health. The three products are expected to be launched in Israel between the years 2022 and 2024. The two pharmaceutical companies will be responsible for the development, production and supply of the three products.

“These agreements expand the pipeline of biosimilar products to be distributed by us in Israel, which already includes six products of the Elbotech company, and position Kamahda as a leader in the developing biosimilar market in Israel,” he said. Amir London, CEO of KamHada.

“The Israeli market for innovative reference products, for which these three biosimilar products are intended, is estimated at a total sales range of between $ 20 million and $ 25 million in 2019, and we estimate the maximum total sales potential from the distribution of these three products, obtainable upon regulatory approval. And within a few years of launch, in the range of $ 5 million to $ 7 million per year.

These sales will be added to maximum sales from the sale of Albotech’s six products expected in the range of $ 20 million to $ 30 million, which are subject to EMA approval and then to the approval of the Israeli Ministry of Health are expected to be launched between 2022 and 2025. The expected future of sales and profitability in our distribution sector. “

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