People in the Northern Hemisphere are in for a once-a-thousand-year reunion on December 21 – the winter solstice and the longest night of the year – when Jupiter and Saturn meet in “co -branch bonds, ”the closest they’ve been seen in the skies together for nearly 800 years.
Astronomers use the term “conjunction” to describe any time two square groups meet in the sky, as seen from Earth. But when Saturn and Jupiter, the two largest planets in the solar system, appear to meet in the sky, they call it a “brilliant” connection.
Astronomers say that the two planets appear to be constantly overlapping each other in the solar system from Earth’s point of view, with their positions on the same oar in the sky about once every 20 years. .
What makes this year’s great connection so important is that the two planets have not passed so close to each other in 400 years, and it is nearly 800 years since the alignment of the night, as it will be this year, allowing almost everyone around the world to see it.
Astronomers recommend finding an unobstructed view of the western skies about an hour after sunset. Jupiter will appear first and then Saturn; Jupiter will look like a bright star, and Saturn will be a little weaker and will appear slightly above and to the left of Jupiter. Astronomers say the connection will be clear enough to see in cities.
The connection will be at its highest, but astronomers say viewers don’t have to wait until then. Both planets will be clearly visible in the west through December 25, though they will turn back into the sky after December 21, with the brightest Jupiter on the left.