Itai Levy revealed the truth about Eyal Golan – and caught fire back

Who is known as the foster son of Eyal Golan, Singer Itay Levy Who spread his wings and left Liam Productions, Golan’s girlfriend, never talked about what really happened there and why the connection was severed. Tomorrow (Wednesday at 10:10 PM) on the “Meeting” program with the journalist Roni Koven Here 11, Levy reveals the whole truth about his relationship with Golan. In a glance at the show, Levy said: “I want to tend to believe that he really loved me. I really never managed to crack this character called Eyal Golan. I was always on the supporting side and always respected and always lowered my head and got off the wave, I could also conquer this wave.” .

“And you did not get back?” Coban asked. “No,” Levy replied. “What did you not get back?” Koven added. “Catch that kid and tell him ‘I’m proud of you, I’m proud of what you did.’ It will not lift him, it will not make him arrogant, it will not make him overtake you – if that’s what scared you all these years. On the contrary. It’s telling this kid. ‘ “I’m proud of you, I bless you. For your loyalty, for your diligence, for your integrity, for your integrity. He never did it, it’s insulting.”

Eyal Golan recovered from Corona – and this is the first thing he did when he came out of isolation – click here.

“All this saying of ‘his foster son’ and ‘this is my seventh child and my ninth child.’ I never saw him as a father if that’s what you want to know. My father died 17 years ago and this is where the father and son saga ended,” Levy said. “At the end comes the corona, there is no joint show and in the summer you realize you want to say goodbye to him. Describe to me the moment when you come to him and say to him: ‘Eyal I am leaving,'” Koven said, giving Levi a mysterious smile. “Were you afraid to tell him that?”, Coban added.

“It did not come from me,” Levy replied. The surprised Cuban replied, “It did not come from you? He wanted you to leave? But why, you are a rooster that lays golden eggs.” “I still ask that question. Why did it actually happen. I was very good at growing up there. I did not care about the percentages and I was never a person chasing money but when he wanted it, it was inevitable, so okay, we turned Peace be upon you. ”

Eyal Golan, Itai Levy (Photo: Aloni Moore)Eyal Golan, Itai Levy (Photo: Aloni Moore)

Only there were those who did not like the fact that Itai Levy decided to talk openly about things and no, it did not come from Eyal Golan, but from his friend and well-known composer, Adi Leon. Leon, who saw what was said, responded to the story on Instagram and wrote: “It seems to me that someone here was confused. The Stag – people who do not remember who made them” and added a tag of Golan and Levy, in case they accidentally missed the text.

Adi Leon (Photo: Aran Chen Photographers)Adi Leon (Photo: Aran Chen Photographers)
