Is a low-carb weight loss diet good for your heart? Here’s what experts are up to

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  • A low-carb diet restricts the intake of carbs and compensates with protein, fat.
  • A low carb diet is considered good for rapid weight loss.
  • But it may have some side effects in the long run.

Let’s face it – we all try to lose weight at some point in our lives. The key to those extra kilos is to keep control of what you eat. And when we say diet control, the first thought that comes to mind is to cut down on carbohydrates. The world is full of different diets. From a keto diet to a paleo diet and an atkin diet – almost all of these weight loss diets recommend eliminating or reducing carbs from your daily meal plan.

How a low fat diet promotes weight loss:

A low-carb diet is all the rage. It restricts the consumption of carbohydrate-rich foods such as bread, rice, cereals, sugary foods, starchy vegetables, various fruits and so on. Instead, it allows you to compensate for the energy lost with protein and fat. This change in diet pattern keeps you full for a long time and stimulates metabolism, which leads to weight loss. Several witnesses have shown that a low-carb diet is better for rapid weight loss, compared to a low-fat diet.

While a low-carb diet pattern is popular across the globe, doctors and nutritionists warn that this could adversely affect our heart health. Yes, you heard it right!

Also read: Low Carb vs. Low Fat: Should You Follow These Diets For Weight Loss?


How a low-fat diet threatens heart health:

A study, presented at the 2018 European Society of Cardiology (ECC) Congress, found that a low-carb diet was dangerous and advised, “This should be avoided for healthy living.” According to the researchers, people who ate a low-carbohydrate diet were at greater risk for premature death due to stroke, coronary heart disease and cancer. People with the lowest carbon were found to have a 32 percent higher risk for full-blown death. In addition, the risk of death from coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and cancer increased 51 percent, 50 percent, and 35 percent, respectively.

“Low-carbohydrate diets may be useful in the short term for losing weight, lowering blood pressure, and improving blood glucose control, but our study suggests that in the long term they may be linked to the risk of death. more from any cause, and deaths due to cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, and cancer, ”the researchers said.

Another study, presented at the 68th Annual Scientific Session of the American College of Cardiology, found that people who get fewer calories from carbs (such as grains, fruits and starchy vegetables) may be has significantly increased risk of atrial fibrillation – the most common heart rhythm. a disorder that often leads to stroke or heart failure. Therefore, the researchers suggest that a low-carb diet for weight control must be carefully recommended to avoid its negative effects.

Also read: Cutting down on inflammatory foods can lower heart risks; Experts recommend 5 foods to avoid

r1jbkceoA low carb diet should be avoided for a healthy heart

When we asked Rupali Datta a nutrition consultant about the link between low carb and heart risk, she explained, “Some studies have been done on this link. Most of them say when you take remove carb from your diet, you always end up adding more fat and protein (especially animal protein) to the ground, which means you are at least adding more saturated fat, cholesterol and removes the healthy fibers, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals that come with healthy carbs. A lack of these essential nutrients can cause a number of health risks.

Therefore, experts suggest, a balanced diet is the key to good health. “A low-carb diet works differently on different groups. Most of the weight is water weight, which they lose in a low-carb diet. Variable levels of insulin found in many of obese people causes the body to retain sodium and water.High fat is high., low carb diet stabilizes insulin levels, which leads to weight loss of water and fat.However, there is potential that the body could react poorly to the low – carb intake that leads to bloating, dehydration and constipation, ”said a fitness and nutrition expert. Rohit Shelatkar.

“Whether one should increase or decrease their carb intake depends on personal, health and lifestyle goals. The dramatic change of transitioning to a diet can Low carb leads to weight loss, much of it from water weight and is short-lived in nature, which is why it is essential for individuals to have a balanced diet full of carbs, proteins and fats and limiting their intake. there are more calories than those burned in a day, “he said.

Considering the above factors, we say, a balanced and nutritious diet is the best way to live a healthy life.

Eat healthy, stay healthy!


About Somdatta SahaExplorer- this is what Somdatta likes to call itself. Be it food, people or places, she only knows what she wants. Simple aglio olio or daal-chawal pasta and a good film can make its day.
