Ireland approves use of Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, to be released starting December 30 – World news

Ireland has allowed Pfizer and BioNTech to use the Covid-19 vaccine, and the first delivery is expected as early as December 26, Health Minister Stephen Donnelly said on Friday, adding that the vaccination campaign will begin Next Wednesday.

“Glad to report that I have just signed up to the regulation allowing the use of the Pfizer vaccine in Ireland. The first delivery is St Stephen’s Day, the first vaccine on 30 December, ”said Donnelly on Twitter.

St Stephen’s Day is celebrated on 26 December.

On Tuesday, the Prime Minister of Ireland, Michael Martin, announced new restrictions that came into force on Thursday and will last through January 12, which will include the closure of restaurants, pubs, museums, galleries and libraries. , while gyms and pools are opened only for individual training. Movement between Irish counties will be banned after Saturday.
