Iran says uranium rich production exceeds targets | Nuclear Power News

An Iranian parliament spokesman says scientists made 17kg of 20 percent uranium-rich in less than a month, moving the country’s nuclear program closer to weapon-level enrichment levels.

Iran exported 17kg (37.5 pounds) of 20 percent uranium-rich in less than a month, state TV has reported, moving its nuclear program closer to weapons-level enrichment amid higher tensions with the United States United.

Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf announced the news in a televised speech during a visit to the country’s Fordow nuclear facility on Thursday.

Enriched uranium to 20 percent is a short technical step away from 90 percent weapon level enrichment.

In his speech, Qalibaf thanked the Iranian Atomic Energy Agency (AEOI), which has not confirmed the information.

Western countries have criticized enrichment activity and called on Tehran to abide by the 2015 nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers.

Iran has said it would produce 120kg of 20 percent uranium rich per year, or 10kg per month on average, so that would be 17kg higher than that schedule.

Approximately 250kg of 20 percent rich uranium is needed to convert it to 25kg of the 90 percent enriched for nuclear weapons. #

The development brings Iran closer to crossing the line between nuclear operations with potential civilian use, such as enriching nuclear fuel for power-generating reactors, and nuclear weapons operations. , something Tehran has always refused to do.

Former US President Donald Trump in 2018 withdrew the U.S. from Iran’s nuclear deal, in which Tehran had agreed to limit uranium enrichment in exchange for lifting economic sanctions.

After the U.S. lifted sanctions, Iran gradually and publicly suspended the limits of its nuclear development treaty.

U.S. President Joe Biden, who was vice president when the agreement was signed during the Obama administration, has said he hopes to return the U.S. to the treaty.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Wednesday that the U.S. will not return again when Iran meets its own commitments under the agreement.
