Iran promises to restrict nuclear exploration unless partners take action | Nuclear Power News

Iran has said it will scale back its comprehensive international nuclear inspections next week if world powers cannot move.

Tehran, Iran – The Iranian government will have no choice but to restrict nuclear inspections starting next week unless the other parties to a nuclear deal in 2015 cooperate with it, according to its foreign ministry.

Saeed Khatibzadeh’s ruling foreign ministry has said it is incumbent on President Hassan Rouhani’s government to voluntarily suspend the Additional Protocol – which will give the DA’s nuclear watchdog more investigative authority – unless U.S. sanctions on Iran’s oil and banking sectors are lifted by Feb. 21.

The nuclear agreement was signed between Iran and world powers, but former US President Donald Trump withdrew his country from him in 2018 and lifted tough sanctions on Iran. One year later, Iran gradually suspended its commitments under the agreement.

Iran has boosted uranium enrichment to 20 percent and expects further breaches of its promises according to December legislation ratified by the conservative parliament.

The bill was swiftly passed after the assassination of chief nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh near Tehran in late November in a vigorous attack by Iran blaming Israel.

As Khatibzadeh reiterated Monday, nuclear investigators will still have access to Iran’s sites as part of the country’s commitments under the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

“All of these measures are easily modified with the proviso that other parties return to their commitments,” he said.

Iranian officials have said they will consider effectively lifted sanctions if Iran is able to sell its oil cheaply and earn it through international banking channels.

But the foreign ministry said Joe Biden’s administration is effectively continuing its old man’s hawkish policy on Iran by refusing to lift sanctions until Iran returns to promises first.

“Unfortunately, the U.S. is still moving based on the wrong approach of the previous administration and what is happening today is no different than before January 20,” Khatibzadeh said, noting announcing the date Trump resigned.

“The greatest pressure and crimes against the people of Iran and the disregard for international human rights remain today.”
