I’ll never get a PS5 and that’s okay

The gift season is over. The presents have been torn open by careless abandonment, the parents have scraped the living room for every remaining piece of paperwork. The socks are empty, the boxes are in the recycling bin. There are only a few days left until the new year, for the cycle to resume. One thing that has been consistent throughout this holiday season is the inability to get a next-gen game console, especially the Sony PlayStation 5.

While Kevin got some sort of PS5, as it still takes control of the secondary market over Microsoft Xbox Series X, most of us are just hoping for a lucky restock before the end of the year. It seems that no matter how many updates there are in the browser, the bots will get the units first. PS5 units go well above sales, if we want one, we have to bow to the scalpers. There are just not enough consoles to go around.

This is not news. Pandemic please mess with the supply chain. There was no way Sony or Microsoft was going to delay their release for a change. Nonetheless, this was the year many of us were going to make the transition from Xbox to PlayStation. There’s no real explanation for this from my point of view, this happened to be like the year I told myself that it’s time to switch to PlayStation from owning nothing but an Xbox console from scratch. The PlayStation console never found its way into my home. That was going to change.

Now no. Transplanters have made that almost impossible. While we could move to higher prices to get a PlayStation by April, I tend to stress patience. Supply will eventually catch up to demand, and now with Cyberpunk 2077 Since it’s a disaster, the hopes of being transported to next-gen consoles have almost gone to zero. The lack of next-gen games seems to come into focus when the systems themselves are not readily available.

This is probably a better result. This has been a very difficult year, many of us have difficult finances. Spending on a new game console may not be the best decision. After all, I have an aging Xbox One that is still waiting for me to buy Fifa 2020. What’s available on PS5 right now as far as specific starter titles? A couple Spider-Man games and a handful of sequences we find on other systems? Do we need a PS5 to play another one call of Duty game? Yes, Dirt 5 making a local four-player split screen thanks to the added processing power, but is that enough to justify spying the next-gen console at high market prices?

This is all just reasoning. Being a footballer (and not a hardcore game reviewer means I can get on with my day without stressing over the words on this page.) the lack of supply is worrying, any other year would be completely irrelevant.But pandemic supply chain issues are not a joke.So our best option again is patience We don’t have to enjoy it, and we hope that our change in game feel doesn’t change in that time, into Walmart in April and a steep walk with a Sony PlayStation 5 display on my way to get flashlights, should I buy one? Or will I build and build an Xbox Series X instead?

The most likely scenario is that I won’t buy any on that day, choosing to wait until the next holiday season, when I have collected a collection of gift cards to help with the purchase. By then, the next-gen-ready game libraries will have grown, someone will have settled Cyberpunk 2077, and the consoles will be $ 100 cheaper. So I may never get a PS5 due to resellers, supply chain issues, and time-lapse apathy, but too later next year I’ll have come to level with that. Then I’ll buy one anyway, despite what I left myself. Who am I kidding? I will never stray from the Microsoft gaming ecosystem. God of War be damned.
