“I did not imagine that there was a real concentration camp near Moscow”

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who was originally serving a two-and-a-half-year prison sentence in a Russian prison, posted a post on his Instagram account today (Monday) describing his experiences from prison: “Hi everyone, Wing A of the prison. “I was able to surprise myself, I did not imagine that there was a real concentration camp only about 100 kilometers from Moscow.”

“Three things never cease to amaze me – the stars in the sky, the narrative within us and the wonderful feeling when you place your palm on your shaved head.” Despite his fears of the prison, he claims that “I have not yet encountered physical violence or signs of it, but I see the tense body language of the inmates here, they are afraid to turn their heads. When I see this I believe all the stories here, in this prison, so far “People have long been beaten with wooden hammers until they almost died.”

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It belongs to the past, the methods have changed and people are quite polite“I call my new home – our social concentration camp,” he wrote in a post. The agenda, the rules, the exact execution of the rules – do not swear, do not use street language, everyone is very careful about clean language. Do you imagine a prison that should not be cursed? “.

“Security cameras are everywhere and in every little violation that happens, they write a report and send it to the competent authority. But in general it’s nice to approach it with a sense of humor, you can live, so I’m pretty fine.”

Navalny goes on to write: “There are pictorial elements in everyday life in black and white. For example, there is a plaque with my name and picture on it, a red stripe on it – I have ambitions to escape, that’s how they defined me. So at night, every hour, I wake up “A uniform that takes a picture of me and says, ‘Two and a half at night, prisoner Nabalani, we know he is here despite his ambitions to escape.'”

“I go back to sleep thinking that there are people who remember me and will never lose me. Great, right? So you too will keep in touch with your relatives. Hug you all, goodbye,” he said.

As you may recall, Nabalani was sentenced about a month and a half ago to three and a half years in prison, which was later decided to be reduced to six weeks. He also began his imprisonment in a Moscow prison and was then transferred from there. Even before the sentencing, his arrest in the world led to harsh reactions against Russia and its conduct with Navalny.
