How research on breast diseases improves COVID-19 treatment

New paper submitted Oxford Open Psychology, published by Oxford University Press, examines previous findings in the field of neuroimmunology that suggest potential treatment strategies for patients with long-term symptoms of COVID-19 .

Although COVID-19 was initially believed to be a short-term illness, lasting between one and three weeks, it is clear that a good number of patients experience symptoms beyond that, with some of patients suffering from health problems for more than 12 weeks. In fact, for patients who were initially hospitalized, more than 80% reported at least one symptom that lasted longer than the first month.

Prolonged COVID symptoms can vary widely, including cough, low-grade fever, muscle weakness, chest pain, shortness of breath, headaches, mental disorders, muscle pain and weakness, gastrointestinal distress, rashes, metabolic disorders, weight gain mental and other mental health conditions. In the context of other disorders and syndromes, these symptoms appear to be strongly associated with a challenge to the immune system. Even mild infections and inflammation at low levels can cause depression or persistent obesity.

As several factors have been suggested to explain the persistence of these long-term COVID symptoms – from the presence and recurrence of low viral loads, to changes in immune cell activity and thin damage caused by the first infection – research here examines insights obtained a few decades ago from several large studies on obesity syndrome, fibromyalgia, depression and other mental health disorders that manifest immune disorders.

Researchers at King’s College London here argue that a number of pathways may be relevant for understanding long-term COVID survival, such as glial cell involvement and the ease of blood-brain barrier. They also suggest strategies for managing symptoms. Some of the symptoms of chronic COVID, depression and other mental health problems, are associated with chronic, low-grade inflammation. Therefore, conventional treatment strategies for patients with depression include anti-inflammatory medications. Psychosocial factors are also very important in regulating our immune activity. It is clear that strategies that address a patient’s weight level with increased social support, physical exercise, and a modified diet may also be helpful in managing long-term COVID-19-related symptoms.

“We encourage you to take advantage of what we have learned over the years about how the brain and immune system communicate and how the immune system contributes to the development of long-term COVID symptoms in other medical conditions, “said the paper’s author, Valeria Mondelli.” This is likely to accelerate our understanding of the mechanisms underlying COVID’s long-term and effective treatment identification. ”


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