Here’s how to add more protein to your vegan diet

A vegan diet restricts the consumption of animal-based products. This often leads to a lack of protein in many. Here are some plant-based protein sources that you can add to your vegetable and vegan diet.

Here's how you can add more protein to a vegan diet

Paners and beats are loaded with plant-based proteins


  1. Protein is also called the body’s building block
  2. Protein can help in weight loss
  3. Nuts and seeds can offer you plenty of protein and other nutrients

Vegetables can be at risk for protein deficiencies, so it’s important to add more plant-based protein to your diet. There are several ways to get your vegetable diet high in calcium, it only takes a little planning. Protein allows the body to function properly. This is one of the three macronutrients that the human body needs. The best thing vegetables can do is build their diet around proteins like beans, lentils and rice. Read here to find out how vegetarians can add enough protein to their diet.

Vegan diet: Discover the importance of protein and its sources

The importance of protein

Protein is a macronutrient that creates and replaces muscle tension in your body. It is essential for digestion, metabolic function, and the production of antibodies that fight infection. Protein is made up of the cortex, heart, liver and muscles. In short, it is really important for a balanced body and mind.


Amino acids are the basic building blocks of protein. Naturally, 13 amino acids are formed by our bodies, but the other nine must be found elsewhere.

Also read: All About Diet vegan

What is an incomplete protein?

By itself, the body makes 13 of the 22 amino acids. These are the non-essential amino acids. The non-essential amino acids and the nine essential edible amino acids are full of protein. Only some of the nine essential amino acids are found in incomplete proteins.

To maintain a balanced and protein-rich diet, here are some examples of vegetable protein sources that can be mixed into your regular diet.

Read also: Vegan Diet: Here are 6 non-dairy sources of calcium that you can bank on

1. Butters nut

Coconut butter is an excellent source of healthy fats, omega 3s and 6s, as well as protein. It’s best to add homemade ones to your diet and rely less on store-bought ones.

2. Oatmeal

Steel-cut oats or old-fashioned oats would be one of the best options to include in your diet to ensure protein intake. They can contain more protein and fiber.

3. Green vegetables

Spinach, asparagus, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and green peas are sources of protein.


Green leafy vegetables can offer you protein and other essential nutrients
Image credit: iStock

4. Nuts and seeds

Make sure you have the highest protein content in your diet, including nuts and seeds in lunch and nutritious meals every day.

5. Legumes and Pulses

A rich source of protein is described with legumes, beans, peas, lentils and pulses, especially when cooked properly. The best way to eat them is by sprinkling the legumes, either cooked or uncooked and then incorporating them into your diet.

(Ms Preety Tyagi is Head Health Coach, nutritionist, and founder of MY22BMI)

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