Here are some ways to eat ginger to fight coughs and promote colds and immunity

With the nip in the air and the cold weather, there is an increased risk of disease. During these times, Ginger is an ingredient that has been tried to boost immunity and help fight the common cold and whooping cough.

With the onset of winters, the risk of disease and immunity decreases. Diseases and illnesses are more pronounced and it is essential for everyone to protect themselves. The nip in the air can weaken your immune system. At these times, try some home remedies to boost your immunity and fight off diseases like colds and common coughs. While there are many home remedies to cure coughs and colds, ginger is undoubtedly the most effective. Ginger is the root of the plant called Zingiber officinale. Ginger is a common ingredient in every Indian home and has several medicinal properties. For a person suffering from common respiratory diseases such as cough and cold, ginger helps to dilate your lungs and release phlegm while breaking down and removing mucus to can you get over it quickly from the difficulty of breathing.

When you suffer from a sore throat, the pain you experience is due to swelling and itching in your throat. This inflammation can be caused by an irritant or it can be your body’s immune response to fight infection. The anti-inflammatory properties in ginger help soothe sore throats by inhibiting pro-inflammatory proteins in the body that cause inflammatory pain and itchiness. It has been used as an herbal remedy for centuries to treat various medical ailments. Research shows that ginger has many such properties that can help with cold or sore throat symptoms. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that increase immunity and warm the body.

Ginger also has anti-viral properties and is effective in fighting fever and also helps in reducing neck pain. More often than not, drinking a cup of ginger tea has become a traditional remedy and is often used to fight cold, flu and cough. It is made up of gingerol which helps to strengthen your body from the inside out and gives immediate relief.

Here are some ways ginger can be used to treat coughs and colds.

Ginger powder

To eat more ginger in a day, another way to use ginger is to grind it into a fine powder. You can add this powder to your diet while cooking it to get the benefits of this magic ingredient in every meal. Ginger contains gingerols that help treat the common cold. Eating it every day can have an immediate effect on the cold and cough.

Ginger and Tulsi

Tulsi has been known since ancient times for its therapeutic power. Tulsi is full of antioxidants and helps strengthen your immunity. Tulsi has several medicinal properties. To make this drink, add a little ginger grain without peeling it and add 3 holy basil leaves in the water. When the water boils, turn off the gas and pressurize. Ginger and Tulsi together reduce sore throat symptoms and relieve coughs and the common cold.

Ginger and Honey

To do this, in a pan of boiling water, add a little ginger and stir. As soon as it comes to a boil, add 1 tsp of honey and lemon juice of half a lemon. If this drink is drunk bald sore throat and will reduce pain and inflammation. This combination of Honey and Ginger has been used for a long time to treat problems such as colds and coughs. Both honey and ginger have individual health benefits such as having antioxidant properties and being good for digestion, which is why the combination of the two offers more flexibility.

Lemongrass and ginger

In boiling water, add a little grated ginger along with some dried or fresh lemongrass. Let it water for a few minutes and add honey if needed. Lemongrass has anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties just like ginger. Together these two ingredients act as an immediate cure for coughs and colds.

Ginger contains high levels of antioxidants that strengthen the immune system to prevent illness. By adding the ginger and lemongrass ingredients in your diet, you can give your body the nutrients it needs to get better naturally.

Ginger and Lemon

Put ginger in a little water and when it comes to a boil, add a little lemon juice. Lemon reduces pain and soreness and helps in getting rid of mucus. While ginger helps to release toxins from the body to fight the disease.

Vitamin C in the lemon helps protect cells from free radical damage. Lemon, therefore, contributes greatly to hot foods and beverages, especially during the winter months. Ginger root is famous for its warming properties and for supporting healthy circulation, which is thought to be due to its mild spice.

Ginger root

While grated juice in the form of tea is beneficial and sure to relieve coughs and colds. The most effective way to get the most benefits from ginger is to eat its root directly. It is recommended to chew on the root for 2-3 days regularly.

Lozenges ginger

If chewing raw ginger is a little too difficult for you, you can always opt for ginger lozenges or candies. These are flavorful and have a sweet taste and are readily available at any store. 2-3 candies should be consumed daily for best results and relief from cough.

Also Read: Try these EFFECTIVE home remedies to make your hair thicker and stronger

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