Hematopoietic gas transmission can provide long-term benefit to people with MS

MINNEAPOLIS – New study shows that severe immunosuppression followed by hematopoietic gas transmission could prevent multiple sclerosis (MS)-related disability from getting worse in 71% of people with relapsing remitting MS for up to 10 years after treatment. The research is published in the January 20, 2021, online journal of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. The study also found that their disability increased in some people over 10 years after treatment. In addition, more than half of those with advanced secondary form of MS did not worsen their symptoms 10 years after referral.

While most people with MS are first diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS, characterized by symptom reductions and later remission periods, many people with relapsing-remitting MS will relapse. transition to secondary progressive MS, which has no widespread shifts in symptoms but instead a slow, steady progression of the disease.

The study involved autologous hematopoietic cell gas transfusion, which uses healthy blood stem cells from the partner’s own body instead of diseased cells.

“To date, conventional therapies have prevented people with MS from getting more attacks and getting worse, but not in the long run,” said study author Matilde Inglese, MD, Ph.D. D., from the University of Genoa in Italy and a member of the American Academy of Neurology. “Previous research shows that more than half of people with MS who take medication for the disease continue to get worse over a 10-year period. Our results are encouraging because they show that hematopoietic gas cell transplants could prevent someone ‘s MS disabilities from getting worse over a longer period of time.

The study looked at 210 people with MS who received a cell gas transplant from 1997 to 2019. Their average age was 35. Of these, MS had relapsing MS and 86 had advanced MS and MS had MS. positive at two.

Researchers evaluated participants at six months, five years and 10 years after the referral.

Five years into the study, researchers found that 80% of people did not suffer their MS disability worse. At the 10-year mark, 66% had not yet reduced disability.

Looking at only the people with the most common form of MS, researchers found that 86% of them did not suffer the worsening disability five years after the referral. Ten years later, 71% were still not getting worse than disability.

Also, people with advanced MS have benefited from cell gas transmission. The researchers found that 71% of people with this type of MS did not experience their disability worse five years after the referral. Ten years later, their disability did not worsen.

“Our study shows that intensive immunosuppression followed by hematopoietic gas transfusion should be considered as treatment for people with MS, especially those who do not respond to conventional therapy,” Inglese said.

The findings of the study include that it was retrospective, did not include a control group and the clinicians who helped measure participants ’disability were aware that they had sent cell gas, so that could have led to bias. Inglese said these limitations will be addressed in future research.


The study was supported by the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Foundation and the Elena Pecci Research Fund.

Learn more about multiple sclerosis at BrainandLife.org, home of a free American Academy of Neurology Patient and Carer Journal with a focus on the intersection of neurologic disease and brain health. Follow Brain & Life® on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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