Health campaigners are calling for ‘honest’ labels on healthy snacks

The group analyzed 118 snacks including dried / roasted snacks and processed snacks such as lentil curls, chickpea chips and puffs, Which are often seen as healthy alternatives to the usual snack options such as crisps and flavored nuts.

Despite the fact that these products are on average lower in fat, saturated fat and calories, and higher in fiber compared to normal nuts and nuts, more than one in three (43%) took in excess of 1.5g / 100g of salt – often more than that in crisps and nuts. KP salted nuts contain 1.3g / 100g of salt, while Walkers Ready salted belts contain 0.35g of salt in a 25g bag.

Dried / roasted, corn-style snacks were the saltiest level at 1.85g / 100g. The most salty dry snacks studied were Salt Corn & Grapes And Love Corn Habanero Chilli, With 2.8g / 100g salt. Just one serving of 45g of one of those snacks (1.3g of salt) would provide one-fifth of the maximum daily salt and more than 3.5 bags of Salted Ready Salted crisps, the group said. UK adults are advised not to eat more than 6g of salt a day.

Hello health

Despite the fact that more than half (56%) of the results surveyed were high in fat, salt and / or sugar, the majority did not display color-coded nutrition information on the front of the package according Government voluntary guidance.

Instead, most featured on-pack nutrition claims, which, according to Action on Salt, deceive consumers by creating a separate ‘health halo’ that detoxifies. encourage customers from a deeper analysis of the ingredients. For example, the saltiest snack studied, Eat real Chilli Hummus & lemon flavored chipsIt contained 3.6g salt / 100g, with the front of the pack saying ‘40% less fat, Vegan, gluten free ‘.
