Hancock says the UK is on track for 15m vaccines by mid-February

Britain is set to be vaccinated by nearly 15 million people by mid-February, but the coronavirus pandemic will only get worse by then, health secretary Matt Hancock said.

Under a vaccine delivery plan unveiled on Monday, nearly 1,500 vaccination sites for people over 70, older care home residents and staff, front-line health care workers and the vulnerable will bring clinical.

“We are well on our way to achieving that target. It’s an ambitious target, stretched but achievable, but I’m sure we’re going to do it, ”he told a Downing Street news conference.

The UK, the first country in the world to adopt a coronavirus vaccine, has already vaccinated 2.3 million people, more than all EU member states combined.

The groups to be vaccinated first make up 88 percent of coronavirus deaths, but Mr. Hancock suggested that everyone over 60 could be vaccinated, which includes many of those who are in hospital, be a reason to reduce social distance restrictions.

Britain registered 46,169 new cases and 529 deaths on Monday, and Boris Johnson warned that rising hospital admissions were putting a huge strain on the health service. He said Britain was in a precarious position as some hospitals reported a lack of oxygen because they were treating the highest number of patients with coronavirus.

“It is a race against time as we all see the dangers facing our NHS, the pressures on it, the demand in intensive care units, the pressure on ventilated beds, even the lack of oxygen in some areas. of places, ”he said.

“The worst thing we can do now is allow the success of a vaccine program to introduce any kind of breeding ground for the pandemic. ”


Mr Hancock said the government would consider tightening lockouts if compliance with the rules did not improve. He said people were allowed to exercise with one other person but should not use that time to socialize.

But he dismissed the idea that bubble wrap and support, which was introduced in the summer after the first lockout, could be eliminated.

“I know how important they are to people, and they’re an important part of the system. We have gone to support people. If you have someone in your lump, you are indeed part of the same home. ”

Labor leader Keir Starmer called for immediate tightening of restrictions, saying the government should support people by regulating council tax increases and benefit cuts, extending the ban on evictions and giving pay rises to key employees.

“The prime minister’s disdain and delay are costly and costly,” he said.

“The British people will forgive many things. They know the pandemic is sad. But they also know linear incompetence when they see it – and they know when a Prime Minister isn’t just doing the job. ”
