Gwyneth Paltrow talks about healing her body after coronavirus infection

Gwyneth Paltrow has reported having COVID-19 at the onset of the pandemic, and has shared personal information about the experience in a blog post, describing how she caused “obesity” and “fog”. brain ”.

The 48-year-old actress and businesswoman posted on her Goop website that she had “COVID-19 early”. “In January, I did some tests that showed very high levels of inflammation in my body. So I turned to one of the smartest experts I know in this area, the action medicine professional Dr. Will Cole. After seeing all my labs, he explained that this was a case where the road to recovery would be longer than usual, ”she wrote.

The actress further said that she is now focusing on what she is putting into her body, ever since she got over it, adding that she has been sticking to keto flexible diet and plant based and reject sugar and alcohol.

“So I’ve been cooking a lot, and some of it is very tasty: I made scallops with crispy capers and sage the other day, asparagus with bacon vinaigrette, and a few artichokes with stuffed herbs and garlic. I’ve even found some sugar-free kimchi and sugar-free kombucha, and I’ve used a lot of coconut aminos in my recipes. ”

She also said she had been taking medicines “in the service of a healthier gut”. “Everything I do feels good, a gift to my body. I have energy, I work out in the mornings, and I do an infrared sauna as often as I can, all in a healing service, ”she wrote.

“The benefit is one side of my skin, which makes me happy – and makes me want more duplication in skin care. Let’s make 2021 the year without makeup, folks! ”

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