Guidelines vary: Immunists will not be able to fly without restrictions

Last night, a decision was made according to which both vaccinated and recovering people will have to perform corona tests within 72 hours before returning to Israel and another test immediately after landing. This decision comes after the Ministry of Health has already stated that vaccinated and recovering people are completely exempt from this obligation.
The decision has quite a few implications, vaccinated Israelis staying abroad will have to look for a corona laboratory during the holiday where they can perform a test and get a result within three days. Also reach up to $ 150.This means that every adult will have to pay a few hundred shekels, stop the vacation in the middle and go get tested.

The decision also applies to recoverers, where the problem is even more complicated. Recoverers may get a positive answer to a corona test even months after recovery, although in practice they are not contagious. This can create a situation where a recovering person left the country for a vacation abroad, 72 hours before the flight he performed a corona test and received a positive answer, which will prevent him from entering Israel even though in practice, he had recovered from a corona a few weeks earlier.

Dozens of El Al planes on the router

Both recovering and vaccinated people who receive a negative answer in a test performed abroad will have to perform another corona test in Israel, immediately after landing. If their test result is positive, they will have to stay in home isolation and not in a hotel, Or vaccinated.

The most significant benefit for recovering and vaccinated people when it comes to returning from abroad is the matter of isolation. A recovering or vaccinated person who receives a negative answer in both tests, completely exempt from isolation, whoever is not vaccinated or recovered, will have to complete ten days in isolation at the hotel.

Seychelles is already getting vaccinated tourists // Photo: Ami Shumen

Sources in the tourism industry are angry about the decision and claim, “It will significantly hurt the Passover holidays, Israelis will not rush to fly for a weekend abroad when they have to stop in the middle, perform a corona test, hope the answer is negative, return to Israel, do another test, pay for the test abroad.” “And all this for a few days. There were promises that vaccinated people would be exempt, but unfortunately that does not happen.”

Currently there are several countries that are already accepting vaccinated tourists including Georgia and Seychelles, Greece and Cyprus will do so next month. In Thailand, there is already talk of such a possibility towards the middle of the year and long before countries like Romania, Estonia, Serbia and England are expected to open their gates to the vaccinated.
