Guards: Nick Jonas releases the first solo song ‘Spaceman’ since being split from Jonas Brothers, Entertainment News

A few days after we informed you that the Jonas Brothers reunion is coming to an end, Nick Jonas has now released his solo song ‘Spaceman’.

In time for this weekend’s promotion on Saturday Night Live and his return to The Voice, Nick Jonas ’Spaceman is here to entice fans with what’s to come – the solo album. His single of the same name is set to debut on March 12.

The ‘Spaceman’ song is not the cover of the amazing Killers song but the first of many to come – to jump the lead role of Nick Jonas solo.

The song, for starters, is like an ode to a COVID-19 pandemic that has stopped the world. The song reads: “The numbers are high, but we keep goin ‘/’ Cause we shouldn’t live without anyone around. Mask off minute I get home / All safe now that I am alone / Almost like an astronaut. ”

Listen to the song here:

As fans streamed the first song, Nick revealed in a recent interview that the album’s songs are inspired by his love for Priyanka. “Most of the songs are mostly just love letters, which, when I can’t express how I feel with my words without music, I go to the studio. And I’m thankful I have that because it makes him happy, and that’s the most important thing, “Nick Jonas told Apple Music.

“So Spaceman came into my mind because I was thinking,‘ What is the one thing we’ve all been feeling through this time? ’It’s just split to We’ve become so used to looking at the screen instead of human interaction, and I think what inspires and hopes is just the idea that there will be tomorrow when this is not the case, and I think that all the work follows that, “he added.

I wonder what Priyanka Chopra Jonas thinks of the song!
