Greek PM criticized for lunch that violated Covid ‘s restrictions World news

The Greek Prime Minister is opposed to anger over allegations that he went over a meal that went over rallies on rations on the day a health restriction was tightened to prevent the spread of the virus.

“[He] Do you want to express deep regret to the people of Greece, ”said Nasos Iliopoulos, the arguments for the main opposition party, Syriza, as criticism of the event grew. “It’s even worse when it happened on the day the government has asked citizens to stay indoors from 6pm.”

Kyriakos Mitsotakis found himself in the line of fire after he and the entrants were filmed enjoying lunch on the platform of BP’s front-facing home in Ikaria. Media reports said the director’s group was far above the official limit on the number of people allowed to gather at one time.

The leader on the right was visiting the remote Aegean island and the islands in the neighboring islands to meet medical staff and to see the country’s vaccination program.

But the success of a successful trip was quickly overshadowed by the news that the group had laid down a cardinal rule in the government’s arsenal of loopholes against the pandemic at lunchtime at the home of Christodoulos’ New Democracy MP Stefanidis.

In no time, images and video footage of the event were circulated on the internet.

On an island famous for its leftist political culture – deportees were deported during the Civil War of 1946-49 and the Colonel’s reign of 1967-74 thereafter – it was not long before the the incident turned into a major political faux pas that sparked riots in Athens.

Prior to Sunday, Syriza leader and former prime minister Alexis Tsipras had also uploaded the video to his Instagram account, spouting the government for “deep and lofty preconceptions”.

Stefanidis, a cartographer, acknowledged that crowds had gathered independently outside the building to see the Prime Minister “very close” but claimed that people were within his home health protocols. maintained.

“At meal time the steps… were observed,” he said, noting that the entourage is not only having an outdoor dinner but the number of people was all around limited edition with hard-wearing mask wear. “I am just sorry that the images and settings are outside the prime minister’s location [and] where people had come together independently to see nearby, they were not right. “

Greek corona cases

With daily coronavirus diagnosis back in quadruple numbers as fear revolves around the third wave of the pandemic, locking measures were confirmed Saturday with a night curfew brought forward to 6pm from 9pm.

At more than 163,000 confirmed coronavirus cases – and nearly 6,000 deaths – Greece has outperformed most countries. But three months after the country went into a lockout, patience with the rules is wearing thin as well.

This is not the first time Mitsotakis has been on the lookout for rules laid down by his own government, with opposition parties taking the opportunity to earn points.

In early December, the politician was criticized after images surfaced about him posing with fans on a mountain bike ride with his wife in the Parnitha area north of Athens. No one wore a mask or kept social distance rules. He apologized.

Responding to the criticism late on Sunday, Christos Tarantilis criticized the government ‘s criticism of suggesting that a “fiesta” had taken place in Ikaria in which Mitsotakis had argued, calling out the erroneous and sarcastic claims.

But he said: “In future prime minister’s visits every care will be taken not to create the wrong image.”
