Google blames Gmail, YouTube crashing on user ID system error

Google unveiled a widespread crackdown on major services last week, such as Gmail and YouTube, as a mistake with its online identification system.

Google Alphabet Inc. has several tools that allow it to authenticate and track logged in users. In October, the company began moving these devices to a new file storage system, and in the process erroneous sections of the data, according to a Dec. 18 post. his down for 47 minutes on Dec. 14, a technically incorrect step.

Google’s definition comes amid higher cybersecurity vigilance. A hack by software provider SolarWinds Corp. has exposed companies including Microsoft Corp and several U.S. government agencies. A Google spokesperson said Friday that the internet giant has not found any evidence that the SolarWinds hack affected Alphabet or Google systems.

About 15% of requests sent to Google’s cloud storage service were disrupted at the time of the Dec. 14 outage, the company said. The cloud division offers a similar recognition service to that of Okta Inc.

On December 15th, Google’s Gmail service was hit again. This company thought to an issue with data migration. – Bloomberg
