Goodbye and goodbye to FarmVille

I personally regret the decision to visit my old FarmVille farm.

I personally regret the decision to visit my old FarmVille farm.
Screenshot: FarmVille / Zynga

Ged most of you may have stopped playing the original FarmVille centuries ago, if you want to get one last beat of nostalgia, today is officially the last day you can play the game on Facebook.

Zynga to name the decision earlier in September, warning the zero number of FarmVille fans who are still playing the original game. It’s a bit baffling, considering the original FarmVille was first cut 11 years ago in 20090, and it has spawned ever since TuathanasVille 2, FarmVille 2: Rural Escape, and TuathanasVille 3. To be fair, FarmVille might have followed if he hadn’t wanted the game to run on Flash and Adobe finally killed Flash this year.

Still, while the original game is very popular since then it has declined, there was a time when FarmVille explained the Facebook experience. You were logged in and friends you hadn’t spoken to him years ago about a landslide of notices and pockets, asking for help on their virtual farm. The wise man among us did not pay attention. The rest of us finally got caught up in a mindless game of planting ripe tomatoes and carrots, which were then harvested and exchanged for … in-game crappy gatherings and buildings. Some of us may have even spent Real Money to speed up inaccessible waiting times because who wants to watch a straw bale for four hours. Some of us—not this writer, nope, or siryou may have forgotten to set up an alarm and login on marrow too late, straight to search said straw crops had withered and died.

I.fa find you ever questioning your existence, asking why you, a reasonably reasonable person, would have been deceived real, hard earned money on junk mobile game, you can thank FarmVille for that. Although FarmVille did not create game mechanics like real-time loops or loot boxes, he played a big place in enjoying them for the mainstream. Candy Crush Saga, Angry Birds, and everything else brought free-to-play games with infuriating in-app microtransactions page from FarmVille playbook. That said, its success also changed the landscape of the game, inviting developers to create a foothold. mobile and browser games that appealed to wider demographics.

At its peak, FarmVille had 32 million daily active users and a total 85 million players, according to the New York Times. By 2013, it had accumulated $ 1 billion in total player purchases. A death is not going to leave a big hole in mobile games; There is, after all, without number similar debug games (plus several series and the official FarmVille extension). It is, however, important part of modern play history, as is the dubious legacy he leaves behind.

Out of curiosity, I tried to log into my old FarmVille farm. I thought everything would be dead and dead. I was greeted with a number of warnings that FarmVille was going to die, and to get one last sense of nostalgia, I had to install a Zynga Flash plugin. I did the thing. I was surrounded by a number of warnings about tournaments and in-game events that I had missed. Everything loaded so slowly. Surprisingly my fruit trees hadn’t died in spite of it over 10 years of neglect. For reasons I can’t explain, I put 10 patches of straw on it that I won’t explore or harvest before this game dies. I was then hit with several other pop-ups. After closing my browser in frustration, I remembered why I dropped this game in the first place.
