GLC: The Deputy Attorney General for permanent economic law that Gantz has no authority in the matter

The Deputy Attorney General for Economic Law, Adv. Meir Levin, ruled this evening (Tuesday) that Defense Minister Bnei Gantz has no authority to close the Gali Tzahal station because it is an election period.

The background for the ruling is MK Nissim Vatori’s appeal to the ombudsman, after the defense minister appointed an inter-ministerial committee whose job it is to examine the manner in which the GLC is transferred from the defense establishment.

In response to MK Vatori, Adv. Levin wrote that “in view of the election period and the obligation on the government and its ministers to exercise restraint and restraint during this period, it will not be possible to make a final decision during the election period regarding the future of the GLC, including Gal.” IDF IDF.

Levy also noted that conducting staff work in order to examine its closure in the face of the transfer of its activities to the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation can be carried out and the committee’s recommendations can be brought to the attention of the next Minister of Defense.

As stated, in his decision, Ganz said that “the decision I made on the recommendation of the Chief of Staff is a matter of value and not budget. Free media in Israel is extremely important, and I will continue to defend it and ensure its independence, but the existence of a military station in the IDF is “unreasonable at this time.”

He added: “I have determined that uniformed men will not engage in politics in any position, this is an unthinkable thing that contradicts the IDF’s values, the obligatory integrity and the proper conduct. I appreciate the GLC and its contribution to the Israeli media, and to the variety of opinions and voices in the media, and it would be right to find another channel for its continued activity. “
