Gilat in another deal: will provide communications systems for airports in Peru – the capital market

Gilat Satellites, Photo: Tamar Mitzpi

Gilat Satellite Networks (

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), Won a multi-million dollar agreement to supply critical communications systems to 29 Peruvian airports. CORPAC, the Peruvian Corporation for Aviation and Commercial Airports, has chosen Gilat to provide high-availability communications systems. This is another transaction among many deals that the satellite company wins in a short time.

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Gilat points out that CORPAC is a government corporation responsible for managing most of Peru’s airports. Gilat will install and maintain equipment for navigation and surveillance (CNS) communications services at Peruvian airports.

“Gilat was selected by CORPAC for its proven execution capabilities in large-scale government projects,” said Aryeh Rorshtok, Gilat’s vice president and director in Peru.

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