Photo: Rami Zranger
Radio man, theater producer and director Yaakov Agmon passed away at the age of 91. His widow, Gila Almagor, spoke today (Thursday) with Sivan Cohen on 103fm about the difficult parting.
Almagor said in pain: “He was very hurt by what has happened in Israeli culture in recent months. Once he understood what was being done to the culture, the contempt, to throw the culture away as if it were a surplus.
” No one imagines that culture should be lifted on difficult days. “There is nothing like a culture that strengthens throughout the years, even in wars, he always came out with new plans, to the field to interview, made plays that were relevant.”
“There was a man, Yaakov Agmon, is no more but he leaves here a legacy of cult of culture, caring for culture, in all its sectors – dance, music, theater, cinema, radio, his hand was in everything. I think if I can say I want to continue the His legacy and I know we will continue his legacy. “
She added: “I lost Yaakov Agmon this more than the stage, I lost part of my life. It’s hard not to work for almost a year, probably very hard but today? I am willing to be told I will not work and get it back,” she noted: “He died of inflammation Hard lungs, nothing to do with Corona. “