Gideon Saar wrote down his new party: “New Hope – Unity for Israel”

Preparing for the election? Gideon Saar This morning (Thursday) he registered his party with the Registrar of Parties. The party asked for the name “New Hope – Unity for Israel”. Among the party’s goals, as stated in the document: “Activities to realize the natural and historical rights of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel. Establishing the identity of Israel as the state of the Jewish people, which is a democratic police force. Protecting its values ​​as the nation state of the Jewish people.” .

Gideon Saar and Yifat Shasha Bitton in a joint message after the announcement of joining

It also reads: “Promoting the education system and making it one of the leading education systems in the world while emphasizing excellence, reducing disparities and providing equal opportunity for every child. Strengthening the status of teacher and educator in Israeli society. “In the Negev, Samaria and Judea, and on the eastern boulevard – from the Golan Heights, along the Jordan and the Arava to Eilat. Free economy while ensuring a fair opportunity for all and a commitment to mutual guarantee. Promoting reforms in all state authorities, including law enforcement and administration.” It was further stipulated that “the party chairman will determine the list of party candidates for the Knesset and the order in which they will be placed on the list, in agreement with the acting chairman.”

Saar tweeted on Twitter: “This morning we registered the new party with the party registrar. It will be a broad national and social movement built from the foundations for the long term. Embark on a path of unity and hope that Israel so desperately needs. Together we will bring a better future to Israel. “

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MK Dr. Yifat Shasha Bitton tweeted on her Twitter account: “This morning, the Tikva Hadasha – Ahdut LeIsrael” party, headed by Gideon Saar, will run for the 24th Knesset. Together we will bring hope to Israel. good luck to us”.

In this way, Saar continues to build his new party, after in recent days he announced the addition of MK Yifat Shasha Bitton. The two released a joint video and it was also reported that Saar promised Shasha Bitton the role of acting prime minister, if he heads it. Shasha Bitton joins after the announcement of the joining of Knesset members from the Derech Eretz faction – Zvika Hauser and Yoaz Handel. The political system does not rule out that the former chief of staff, Lt. Col. (Res.) Gadi Eisenkot, will also join Saar’s party.
