Gideon Saar promoted articles against Bennett

A new party of hope was behind a negative advertising campaign against Naftali Bennett This emerges from an investigation conducted by the Central Election Commission, at the request of the right-wing party, following the promotion of negative content against the party’s chairman, Naftali Bennett, anonymously on the network. “Reckless” and one who does not seek to change government, but will sit after the election in the government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu.

Outbrain, a company that specializes in digital advertising and allows websites to display sponsored content to surfers, is the one that distributed the articles, but did not specify the identity of the sponsor or party behind the campaign.

After the chairman of the Central Election Commission, Judge Uzi Vogelman, asked for the company’s response to the right-wing party’s petition, it emerged that the person behind the publications was Gideon Saar’s new hope party. The identity of the advertiser, but from the response to the petition, which is signed by the lawyers of Saar and Tikva Hadash, it can be understood that Saar and his people are behind the things.

New hopeful response: “We are working to bring to the public information published in leading Israeli media. Before Purim, it is time to take off the mask over Bennett and tell the public in a clear voice what Bennett and the right are trying to hide – that a vote for Bennett is a vote for Netanyahu.”
