Gantz extended Isman’s appointment as acting state attorney

Justice Minister Bnei Gantz announced today (Thursday) to Attorney Amit Isman that he has decided to extend his appointment as Deputy State Attorney by four months. This was after he addressed the matter to the Civil Service Commissioner and received the Attorney General’s approval.

Ganz said that in his view, a permanent attorney should be appointed in accordance with the decision of the search committee that unanimously selected Eisman. And that “this is not possible at the moment due to a veto by Prime Minister Netanyahu who wants to appoint a ‘lawyer on behalf’ due to his personal and legal considerations, and is acting on the issue even though he is in a conflict of interest.” Therefore, Ganz decided to extend the appointment to the deputy for the longest possible period of time.

Adv. Isman, born in 1967, married and a father of three, is a graduate of the Leo Beck School in Haifa. He served in the Medical Corps and has a bachelor’s degree in law and a master’s degree in criminology and law. Netanyahu, contrary to the position of the majority of senior prosecutors, believed that the evidentiary infrastructure in the 2000 case allows for prosecution only by fraud and breach of trust.

Blue and white chairman Bnei Gantz (Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90)Blue and white chairman Bnei Gantz (Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90)
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It will be recalled that Isman was recommended by the search committee for the position of Acting State Attorney, although he had previously been reprimanded for inappropriate sexual statements he made towards facts in the State Attorney’s Office. The opinion of the locating committee, which examined the matter seriously, was of the opinion that these statements, which were made about six and a half years ago, do not characterize Isman’s work and conduct, and that in all the circumstances, they do not amount to a normative defect preventing him from serving as state attorney.

Isman deeply regretted what was said before the search committee, took responsibility for his actions and pledged to act to maintain a respectful discourse in the course of his job and in general.
