Gamers listen up! Even pigs can play video games, study finds, Science News

It can be safely said that those in their 20s or early 30s today were part of the generation that grew up playing video games for hours. The rapid advent of technology, smooth graphics and the development of a great 90s game ahead have given everyone reason to engage in a game for hours without shame. It didn’t matter if it was parents or the sky.

The incomparable joy of wiping out that pesky level or the issue of that chief (or not, was worth it if you had a limited life left in your game). Professional gamers literally earn millions and this gives a glimpse of everyone saying that this is not a waste of action.

But pigs can also play video games.

This is not a snub for noobs (aka new gamers who are not ….. not so good at gaming) but a literal thing. Scientific research has found that, with a little training, pigs can learn video games.

The research paper published by researchers from Purdue University and the Cognition Project is related to these findings.

In the first half, the paper notes that earlier studies had found that pigs could “solve multiple choice problems”.

So what about video games?

Four pigs – Omlette, Hamlet, Ebony and Ivory were trained to play a game that could be played by an arcade-style joy ship. The pigs were fed with food each time they completed ‘stage’.

While the promise of food was rewarding enough, it was found during the experiment that the pigs started playing the game even when stimulation was just some kind of kind words from the researchers. The luggage was broken so that a prize could no longer be awarded, but the pigs continued to play the game.

Pigs kept playing the game!

Researchers have said that it was no small feat that the pigs could combine video game play with a prize in the first place. The research paper was published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology.

The level of ability in playing video pigs varied no doubt. One pig could play the game much better than other pigs.

The game was not complicated. The pigs were not asked to play Grand Theft Auto or CounterStrike. All they had to do was move an on-screen cursor and hit a wall in the game.

But the bottom line? Even pigs can play video games.

Take gamers heart. If pigs can’t compete in professional play competitions, your dream of making it big can still be.

Go now!
