Fury as 35 countries with issues of changes Covid South Africa and Brazil left off the red list

Britain’s hotel quarantine scheme was recently criticized on Sunday when it emerged that 35 countries where mutant types of coronavirus have been found are not on the list.

Earlier this week, the Government confirmed that travelers from 33 countries would need a quarantine ‘red list’ for ten days in a hotel from 15 February.

But a study by the World Health Organization has found that there are dozens of countries where the highly contagious variables of South Africa and Brazil have been found on the list.

They include Austria, Denmark, France, Greece, Japan, Kenya, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, Canada and the United States.

Labor Shadow Home Secretary Nick Thomas-Symonds responded angrily to the news, highlighting the Government’s quarantine measures ‘dangerously dangerous’.

Scientists also said the prognosis was not ‘good enough’, adding that the virus ‘spreads like wildfire’.

Britain's hotel quarantine scheme was criticized on Sunday when it emerged that 35 countries where mutant coronavirus strains have been found are not listed

Britain’s hotel quarantine scheme was criticized on Sunday when it emerged that 35 countries where mutant coronavirus strains have been found are not listed

Earlier this week, the Government confirmed that travelers from 33 countries would need a quarantine 'red list' for ten days in a hotel from 15 February

Earlier this week, the Government confirmed that travelers from 33 countries would need a quarantine ‘red list’ for ten days in a hotel from 15 February

A WHO study, reported by the Sunday Times, also found that the Brazilian strain Covid was found in ten countries, six of which were not added to the UK red list.

In addition to South Africa and Brazil, countries that are also on the list include Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay, Rwanda and Botswana.

How does the UK proof of arrival scheme work?

How many tests do people have to take?

1 – Passengers will receive their first mandatory test within 72 hours of departure.

(When they arrive – from a country not on the list of 33 ‘red’ countries that quarantine in a hotel – they need solitude for 10 days)

2 – On the second day of self-isolation, a Covid PCR test is administered. The tests will be posted to the passenger, it is understood.

3 – The fifth day of loneliness at home can be optionally tested. If it returns negative, the passenger will no longer have to separate himself.

4 – Another mandatory test will be performed on day eight.

How are the mandatory tests implemented?

Those who do not pass a trial will be fined, the Times reports.

However, it is unclear how the mandatory test will be implemented – ie how officers will know whether the tests have been carried out.

It is also unclear what the fines will be.

Will they be late stream or PCR tests?

The tests on the second and eighth days are likely to be PCR tests – which are more reliable than the fastest streams.

The tests required for travelers into the UK can be late flow tests or PCR tests.

It is not clear what tests passengers can take on their five-day optional test.

Who pays for the exams?

The passenger has to pay for the tests.

But of the 41 countries that the WHO report said South Africa’s weight spread, 29 of them do not appear on Britain’s red list.

Overall, it means that people who came in from 35 counties were more infectious which could cause or reduce the effects of the free available coronavirus vaccines to the home scheme. to avoid hotels when landing in Britain.

Instead, they rely on quarantine at home for ten days.

Dr Julian Tang, a physiologist at the University of Leicester, told the Sunday Times: ‘It’s not good enough.

‘This virus is spreading like wildfire. If you let some people in but others don’t, from a virology perspective, it’s very futile. ‘

Mr Thomas-Symonds said: ‘These exposures are – as Labor have warned – the UK Government’s quarantine measures will continue to leave us fully exposed to the types of virus that are emerging.

‘Not only are the steps far too slow to start – 50 days after the South African strain emerged – they are also dangerous enough. The incompetence of the Conservatives is dangerous. ‘

Former Labor leader Ed Miliband told the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show earlier: ‘The government is currently proposing a quarantine system that covers just five per cent of daily revenue. RA.

‘That’s not an effective quarantine system.’

The news came after it appeared that Friday night Travelers arriving in Britain from countries not on Covid’s site list may have to take up to four tests during their loneliness at home.

The passenger has to pay for all the tests. Those who do not take the mandatory tests are fined, reports say.

It is not clear how much the tests will cost, but private patients can currently charge around £ 150 for one.

This means it would cost up to £ 600 for all four tests.

The first test of passengers will be taken up to 72 hours before they fly – as is the current rule.

Once home, arrivals must begin their ten-day solitude.

On their second day in quarantine, passengers must pass a second mandatory Covid test.

It appears to be a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test posted to Britons to perform themselves, sources say.

They could also get information about their nearest Covid test center after filling out a passenger locator form.

They will then have the opportunity to take the third Covid test they can on the fifth day of loneliness at home.

This is optional and will allow the passenger to leave quarantine early in the event of a negative return.
