From photos to images, Biden makes symbolic changes to the Oval Office, see photos

It is less than a week since Joe Biden took office as the 46th President of America. Since then, he has made clear changes to the Oval Office that reflect his “Better Recover” mission. Since installing a photo of Benjamin Franklin getting Winston Churchill’s picture removed, the Democrat has made symbolic changes in the President’s office.

(The Oval Office, Credits: Associated Press)

Photos replaced

As soon as he stepped in, Biden found the picture of former President Andrew Jackson, submitted by his predecessor Donald Trump. Instead of the controversial figure, he got the picture of Benjamin Franklin inserted. Other new paintings include those of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. The three leaders were the founding fathers of the United States of America.

(Photos reinstalled in the Oval Office. Credits: Associated Press)

In another obvious symbolic change, it has involved the body of Latino labor organizer and civil rights activist Cesar Chavez. Other images include the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Eleanor Roosevelt and former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, all of whom are important figures who changed the course of U.S. history.

(Body of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Credits: Associated Press)

(Bust of César Chávez Credits: Associated Press)

Speaking about the office redecoration, Ashley Williams, deputy director of operations for the Oval Office, told the Washington Post that it was important for President Biden to walk into an American-like Oval that began to show landscape for whom he is to be president.

(Body of Rosa Parks, Credits: AP)

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(A moon rock is displayed on a bookshelf in the Oval Office, Credits: Associated Press)

In addition, Biden removed Donald Trump’s ‘Diet Coke’ button in the Oval Office. The button was inserted into former President Trump on a wooden box next to his phone. However, Biden, who has already reversed previous administrative policies on immigration, the environment, the economy and the COVID-19 pandemic fighting, also turned his back on the Oval Office.

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