French police attacked while trying to stop on New Year’s Eve | World news

Police in riot gear stormed a rally on Friday, removing hundreds of protesters by truck. police and wounded officers with bottle volleys and stones.

Hundreds of vehicles began gathering on a hangar in Lieuron, Brittany, on Thursday night to party into the new year, the regional government said Friday. They said police were attacked when they tried to stop predators from installing their party gear.

french corona issues

On Friday morning, 2,500 predators from France and abroad were still partying, surrounded by a reinforced police presence, the provincial government said.

Prosecutors were considering a number of possible criminal charges. The party was held despite a French curfew between 8pm and 6am across the country aimed at keeping public gatherings going through the pandemic.

Parties, however, pleaded for understanding after months of destroying green-grass and curfews designed to limit coronavirus infections.

Parties in the disused hangar in Lieuron were understood to have come from different French regions.

Parties in the disused hangar in Lieuron were understood to have come from different French regions. Photo: Jean-François Monier / AFP / Getty Images

Volunteers with an aid group distributing masks, anti-virus gel and health advice inside the techno party said predators had to be released. He said predators were trying to stay safe by not sharing joints or joints. His group, Techno +, advised participants to separate themselves for a week and then get tested after attending the raven. The group also said the hangar was unoccupied and well ventilated.

France has reported more than 64,000 virus-related deaths since the outbreak began.
