France, Germany, UK warn Iran over uranium metal production | Nuclear Power News

Iran is weakening the opportunity for renewed diplomacy to achieve the goals of the 2015 nuclear treaty, all three say.

The United Kingdom, France and Germany have criticized Iran’s decision to export uranium metal, which they said violated Iran’s promises to the international community. .

The United Nations nuclear watchdog said earlier in the week that Iran had continued with its plan to produce uranium metal, after Tehran intimidated Western countries with its intention to export the material. with which the heart of a nuclear weapon can be made.

There have been hopes that the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers could be revived through new talks led by US President Joe Biden, after his predecessor Donald Trump walked out of it. the contract in 2018.

The three Europeans, who are formally signing the treaty known as the Integrated Action Plan (JCPOA), said in a joint statement Friday that Iran’s move to extract uranium metal was a breach of the treaty that jeopardizes the full implementation of the agreement, which aims to reduce international sanctions on Iran as a border trade to its nuclear program

“We strongly urge Iran to suspend these operations immediately and not take new measures that do not comply with its nuclear program. In reducing their non-compliance, Ioran is weakening the opportunity for renewed diplomacy to achieve the goals of the JCPOA, ”the three Europeans said in a statement.

The IAEA report

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the DA’s nuclear watchdog, said on Wednesday that Iran has begun exporting uranium metal, in a new breach of the limits outlined in the 2015 treaty.

“We reiterate that Iran does not have a credible civil justification for these actions, which are a key step in the development of nuclear weapons,” the statement said by the three European countries.

They said that, under the nuclear deal, Iran promised not to engage in the manufacture or acquisition of uranium metal for 15 years.

“We strongly urge Iran to suspend these actions without delay and not to take new non-compliance measures on its nuclear program,” said Europe’s leading powers.

The nuclear deal has been largely moribund since the U.S. withdrawal, with Tehran stepping up its nuclear operations in defiance of the treaty in retaliation.

Analysts have said there is only a narrow window of opportunity this year to reverse the United States.

Biden’s administration is impatient for a quick move, while a retention candidate expected to win a primary election from Iran later this year is also in dire straits.

However, the most delicate diplomacy must move forward, with the White House urging Iran to move to full compliance before the U.S. can return to the treaty, but Tehran is demanding no conditions.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Thursday said he was disappointed with the Biden administration about the lack of progress so far.

“We have not seen any good intentions from the new government yet,” Rouhani told state television.
