Fragments of the alien world can be buried in the ground

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Scientists have long admitted that the Moon was formed about 4.5 billion years ago when a protoplanet called Thea of ​​the Earth collided. Pieces of this impact could be buried deep on our planet, a new study suggests.

The team of scientists has a new project on the impact of Thea on Earth, which led to the creation of the moon: a fragmented remnant of this planet can be found here Two layers of continental rock Buried in the shield of our planet.

For decades, seismologists have been confused by two bubbles beneath West Africa and the Pacific Ocean, which spread across the middle of the earth. At a height of a thousand kilometers and many times wide, “they are the greatest garment in the earth,” he said. Qian Yuan, PhD student in seismology Arizona State University, In statements Journal of Science.

Earthquake seismic waves Suddenly decreasing When they cross these layers, it means that they are dense and chemically different from the surrounding healthy rock.

There may be large low-speed areas (LLSVP) Crystallized in depth It is probably the earliest ocean on Earth Thick pools of rock from the old mound He escaped with the influence of the creation of the moon.

However, based on new evidence and isotopic models, Yuan believes that they are LLSVPs. The gut of foreign influence.

An earthquake saw magma worms eating LLSVP on volcanoes on both islands. Over the past decade, many scientists have discovered the isotopic record of volcanic radioactive elements on islands. The first 100 million years Of the history of the earth.

Impact theory was developed in the 1970s to explain lunar drought and high iron heart rate: in a catastrophic effect, volatile substances such as water would have evaporated and escaped, while a circle of low-density rock formed in the collision and eventually formed the moon. This theory influenced the size of Mars, but was co-authored by Juan, a recent work by an astronaut Steven Desh, Says Thea As big as the ground.

Desh and his colleagues measured the ratios of hydrogen to deuterium, a heavy hydrogen isotope. Some models of the Moon had more light hydrogen than the Earth’s rocks. To capture and retain as much light hydrogen, Thea Dev der Sido is huge, The researchers suggested in the 2019 study.

It must have been very dry as any water would have raised the level of deuterium. Such a large and dry protoplanet would be laid down with an iron-free heart and an iron-filled weapon.

Yuan’s model suggests that, after the collision, Thea’s center will merge rapidly with Earth. Symbols have shown that rock rocks are 1.5% to 3.5% denser than those on Earth. Mountains near the center.

Big Thea also explains the size of LLSVPs, which have six times the mass of the moon.

If the remnants of Thea were in the healthy depths of the Earth, they would not be alone. Seismic experts are increasingly watching In small ultra-dense pockets The material is usually in the deep mantle, just a few hundred kilometers wide, near the edges of LLSVP.

Iron-rich nuclei from other small planets that struck early on Earth may have been submerged. So Thea is probably a grave in a planetary graveyard.

Scientists presented This hypothesis was discussed at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference last week.

Maria Campos

Maria Campos, ZAP //
